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  • corosssion's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 30
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    • A4: Graduate
      Account Age: 4 years

    Nice i like it it reminds me strongly of old Quake II multiplayer = )

    Hells a joke compared to my wr
  • jjjrmy's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 69
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      EF: 8
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      Account Age: 4 years

    Reminds me of the walls in de_nuke

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  • The BucKeT's Levels
    • P3: Peasant
      Points: 23,697
    • E5: Opinion Leader
      EF: 185
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      Account Age: 4 years

    Hi Inspector
    So far so good. I know this is just a work in progress so I can only assess what you have accomplished so far. The brushwork is awesome on the outer walls. Very clean with no overlaps. Also the texture for the outer walls imo was also a good choice. The yellow line lays perfect where the angle changes. The lighting looks awesome although with that many lights I think you could lower the brightness just a tad. Not much though. 164x120 I'm not so sure about the layout though. Example right. If this map is used on a server that does not use noblock, I can see where the players that spawn in the back will get trapped in due to the fact that there is a row of players that spawn in front of them. One idea might be to widen the hallways to help with this issue. 165x120Another thing I noticed is that sometimes I would get caught up on the outer walls because of the rib effect. Example left. To eliminate this you could add some player clip as seen in the screenshot. Again, I know that this is just a beta version so the score does not really reflect on your work. This is just a starting point, and I know with your mapping skills that this will be a work of art when you finish the map.

    Final NoteIts kind of hard to give a full assessment on a WIP, because I'm not quite sure what your intentions are for the final product. But the work you have done so far is pretty darn good and I await the final version. Nice WIP.

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  • Teh Inspector's Levels
    • P4: Worker
      Points: 25,514
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      EF: 29
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      Account Age: 4 years

    Thanks, I'll leep it up) As I said, this is only beta...

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  • nosoul's Levels
    • P3: Peasant
      Points: 16,763
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      Account Age: 6 years

    Pros: Hey inspector,

    Here are a few things that I liked.

    • I like how you added some detail to the walls instead of keeping them flat. They add a good amount of detail and really bring the theme of the map together.
    • The excessive amount of lights you have is actually a good thing and I think that this sort of lighting is better than lighting coming from the sky.
    • The gameplay is actually pretty fun, and I wish you had included it in the criteria. I found that when playing, almost all the weapons (I didn't test all of them) could be used in the map. It was pretty fast and fun, and I had a good time raping the bots. There was a good amount of cover from the walls, and the pillar in the middle.
    • I think you have the bloom scale turned up way to high on the HDR. This causes the lights to become really bright when you are close to them, and it just looks awful. There is a tutorial made by sgtkickur_ass that tells you how to lower the bloom scale to make it look more realistic.
    • I don't like that you are only using 2 textures in the entire map. While this isn't a huge deal, and your map still looks pretty good, I would love to see you branch out and use some more. Maybe a texture like tile that would benefit from the HDR, maybe some water in the middle. Just to branch out a bit.
    Sorry for the low assessment like this, but it would have been higher if you had included something like 'gameplay' or 'balance' in the criteria. I'll do another assessment if you make a new version with the bug fixes and updated criteria. Improvements:
    1. Change the bloom scale on the HDR
    2. Add more textures
    Notes: I hope this assessment helped. Let me know if you have any comments or questions regarding it. Good luck on future maps!

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    Why I laggin?


Teh Inspector's Levels
  • P4: Worker
    Points: 25,514
  • E2: Guide
    EF: 29
  • C1: Member
  • A5: Veteran
    Account Age: 4 years
Teh Inspector (Creator/Co-creator)
Wreckreations Inc
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Based off 3 rating(s)

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Date Added
4 years ago
Date Modified
4 years ago






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