No Animation Models

Lookin for NA Models

By TOM_CRUISER 2 days ago

Hi, I'm looking for the normal CS:S models but without the animation!

Does it exist such thing?

Can you turn it off?

Or can someone maybe make it if it doesn't exist?

How it looks in my mind: The animation waiting time isn't removed, just a still model when it switches weapon. Gun shooting anims should be there though.

Thanks for any help =)

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    So in other want a completely static draw animation for all of the weapons?

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  • Sally-2K's Levels
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    Im not a expert in this but I think you can go into a hex editor and rename anything that names a animation like. WeaponDraw to a invalid name like PenisRBone Keeping count of words the same.

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    Posted by Sally-2K

    Im not a expert in this but I think you can go into a hex editor and rename anything that names a animation like. WeaponDraw to a invalid name like PenisRBone Keeping count of words the same.

    That wouldn't work. That would just cause the animations to break and have a bunch of random errors. What they are asking for is the default skins provided with CS:S with a static draw animation, which would require recompiling them with a different draw animation as a part of the base files.

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  • Devieus's Levels
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    That doesn't sound like tough work, just tedious if it has to be done for all weapons. I'm not sure though, perhaps you can hex the draw to idle.

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    Posted by Devieus

    That doesn't sound like tough work, just tedious if it has to be done for all weapons. I'm not sure though, perhaps you can hex the draw to idle.

    I've actually tried that on multiple occasions. The end result usually kept coming up as the animations being swapped around, otherwise they end up breaking like I mentioned before. You are correct about the work though, it wouldn't be tough at all. Just very tedious.

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