source sdk texture problem

By joppe 1 day ago

I was downloading a map for csgo here on gamebanana, and the map must have had some files in it that made the texture of a prop change, because now the texture is turned. The prop is acunit01.mdl


I tried to delete all the files but nothing happend the texture is still turned and I dont know what to do atm.

thanks for any help

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  • Mrfantastic40's Levels
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    hmmm,legal version : delete the map files or folder!!!!

    Illegal : buy the goddamn game!!!!

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    Posted by Mrfantastic40

    hmmm,legal version : delete the map files or folder!!!!

    I deleted the materials and models folder in csgo and the problem still accrue.

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  • GhettoBBunny's Levels
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    is it black ingame? have u tried reinstalling cs go?

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  • joppe's Levels
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    The prop looks like that ingame aswell, i guess i could try reinstall the game.

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  • K@rt's Levels
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    Posted by joppe

    The prop looks like that ingame aswell, i guess i could try reinstall the game.

    I'm not sure that you need to bother reinstalling CSGO.

    Firstly I am 99.9999% certain that you are wrong about the problem coming from the map de_elysium. In the csgo pak directories there are actually 2 different models that go by the name acunit01. One is in models/props_rooftop and the other is in models/props/cs_assault.

    The two models use different vtfs, one called acunit01 (from props rooftop) and the other uses acunits01 (from cs_assault). From your screenshot I am pretty sure the texture you are seeing is acunits01 (the assault skin).

    Elysium has absoultely no content that in any way conflicts with these files, so I really can't see it being the cause of the problem.

    In my SDK the assault model also looks messed up, but the other one, the one in rooftops is fine... so if its for mapping just use that instead. I'm not sure the assault prop is used in any official maps anyway. CS:GO is buggy as hell, wouldnt suprise me at all a messed up model got in there by mistake.

    Also please fix your first post, its not very fair on the mappers who made de_elysium... if people think that it breaks CSGO they wil probably not dl it.

  • will2k's Levels
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    What K@rt is saying is correct; CSGO SDK is a little messy right now although one would expect that things should be ironed out after going through a beta phase.

    What you are using in the screenshot is models/props/cs_assault/acunit01.mdl, which is the same in my SDK too (black, horribly misaligned texture). If you need this same model, then use models/props_rooftop/acunit01.mdl, which is a replica of the former model but without all the bugs.

    If you need something bigger, try one of the new AC unit models from de_vertigo (hvac models), and if you want smaller sizes, you can try the ac models of de_train


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    Posted by K@rt

    Posted by joppe

    The prop looks like that ingame aswell, i guess i could try reinstall the game.

    I'm not sure that you need to bother reinstalling CSGO.

    Firstly I am 99.9999% certain that you are wrong about the problem coming from the map de_elysium. In the csgo pak directories there are actually 2 different models that go by the name acunit01. One is in models/props_rooftop and the other is in models/props/cs_assault.

    The two models use different vtfs, one called acunit01 (from props rooftop) and the other uses acunits01 (from cs_assault). From your screenshot I am pretty sure the texture you are seeing is acunits01 (the assault skin).

    Elysium has absoultely no content that in any way conflicts with these files, so I really can't see it being the cause of the problem.

    In my SDK the assault model also looks messed up, but the other one, the one in rooftops is fine... so if its for mapping just use that instead. I'm not sure the assault prop is used in any official maps anyway. CS:GO is buggy as hell, wouldnt suprise me at all a messed up model got in there by mistake.

    Also please fix your first post, its not very fair on the mappers who made de_elysium... if people think that it breaks CSGO they wil probably not dl it.

    Okay thanks now I know whats making that problem, and that im not the only one. i didnt mean to offend them in anyway, just to get that clear.

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    Posted by joppe

    Okay thanks now I know whats making that problem, and that im not the only one. i didnt mean to offend them in anyway, just to get that clear.

    No, of course man, I am not suggesting at all that you did... it's just that as it's not the case that elysium is the cause then it's nicer for them if you could remove that - it's at the top of the page and people often don't bother reading the whole thread.

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