Thank you!


Many thanks to all the individuals and organisations that contribute towards SourceFort's success and an enormous thank you to Codesion for providing us with their excellent Subversion services!


Latest Tweet Sun, 08 Jul 2012 01:54:56 +0000


sourceforts: Just posted an ad for a level designer on our FB page (which you should all like!):


SourceForts is Recruiting!


SourceForts 2 is being created from the ground up and will bring classic SF1.9.X gameplay as well as new game modes, characters, weapons and more (including an official league and stats tracking). SF2 is set in the slightly-distant future, on an Earth inhabited only by large killing machines once designed to aid humans. Oh and weapons - lots and lots of weapons. There is no strict setting for the game, but instead a general theme of "nature reclaiming society" - we hope this will give our level designers the freedom to experiment with varying styles of environments and architecture.

We're currently looking for a dedicated level designer to join our team. You'll be joining a well rounded team that is fully capable of supporting a talented level designer, and is currently comprised of:
  • 2 Programmers
  • 1 Concept Artist/Character Modeler & Animator
  • 2 Prop & Texture Artists
  • 1 Level Designer (currently working on redesigns of SF1.9.x maps)
  • 1 Sound Engineer
  • 1 Producer/Web Developer/Programmer

Ideal candidates will be able to commit regular hours to the project and have a developed workflow for creating a level. We don't mean to sound harsh, but we need to make it clear that this is a serious project that requires a serious commitment.

If you're interested and would like to talk more, feel free to add me on Steam (mm_snuffy), PM me, or email your application to and I'll tell you more about the project. We do ask that you include a link to your portfolio and/or examples of your recent work. We'll also show you where we are with the game so far, as you deserve to see what we're capable of as well. However, this will only be shared in private with serious candidates, as we have yet to release this media publicly.


Posted by Snuffy on Sat, Jul 7, 2012, 9:7AM :: Comment

Community Play'n'Meet Tomorrow!


Community member R0mpeprop has setup a day for all fans of SourceForts to relive some old memories and try the game again. It's tomorrow (3/24) from 4PM EST to about 7PM EST. For more info, check out this thread. To download SourceForts, click here, then click here for a very helpful Reddit post on how to get the game running smoothly. Please spread the word, and we hope to see a lot of you tomorrow!


Posted by Snuffy on Fri, Mar 23, 2012, 3:23PM :: Comment

Now Hiring - Beta Testers


The SourceForts dev team is very excited to announce that, starting immediately, we will be accepting applications for the SourceForts Beta Team. If you've got a passion for games and want to contribute towards the development of SourceForts (and have a copy of the Source SDK Base 2007!) click here and fill out an application.

We'll be sending out emails in about a week notifying those who have been accepted. We're looking for between 10 and 15 testers. If you don't make it this time, don't worry – we’ll be doing several rounds of testing, so we'll need lots of testers over the next few months.


Posted by Snuffy on Sun, Apr 3, 2011, 4:3PM :: Comment

Alive and Kickin'!


Hey everyone!

I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on behind the scenes.

As some of you might have noticed, there was an alpha checklist in the dev forums, that lists the features we need to finish to reach our first alpha. As you'll also notice, that list is very nearly complete ;)

Also, I have fixed the Linux build, a very tricky issue - it took almost a whole month to find that crazy memory corruption, but everything works now!

And while we're talking about bugs, I've cleaned up and fixed a LOT of warnings and errors! Server startup and shutdown is a nice thing to see now - and, as a bonus, performance was improved!

We're getting close to a feature-complete build, and then we'll start ironing out the gameplay. Stay tuned, because we'll be looking for a new batch of testers very, very soon.

As a bonus, here's some screenshots from ph_gulch, one of the new maps for Haven, completed by our very own 013109!

Click to view a larger version (1920x1200)


Posted by Zoc on Sat, Apr 2, 2011, 6:2PM :: Comment

Merry Christmas from Sourceforts/Project Haven Team!


Hello Everyone,

After a long silence from the team, I would like to present this Christmas treat. I've been working on it for a while - a long, long while.

I think it's about time to show the new building system I'm preparing for Project Haven. It's still far from finished, but I guess it has reached a state stable enough to share with you.

On this video, you can see the new building gun concept where blocks are rotated on each axis, the long awaited block snapping feature where you can align blocks with other blocks that are already in place, and a very crude version of the block "warp-in" effect where you can see the blocks that are being spawned.

I hope you enjoy it! :D

Merry Christmas!

PS (From Stieffers): I've updated the download links on our downloads page so that they now link to the fixed installers courtesy of community members Tobel and hicks. This means the mod is playable again! If you already have installed you can download the updater. Otherwise, grab the full install.


Posted by Zoc on Fri, Dec 24, 2010, 8:24PM :: Comment

The mod is now Resurrected !!!


Because nothing motivates tired developers like a good 'ol funeral.

Progress log tomorrow.


Posted by NocturnO on Sun, Jul 18, 2010, 1:18PM :: Comment

The mod is now trollin'


We're pretty damn dead.


Posted by NocturnO on Thu, Jul 8, 2010, 9:8AM :: Comment

Aprils fools !


Happy Aprils fools to all of our loyal fans!

Here is some amazing concept art by our concept artist Freshdumbledore:

Next update is for Sunday!


Posted by NocturnO on Thu, Apr 1, 2010, 9:1AM :: Comment

I'll just leave this right here...



Posted by NocturnO on Sat, Mar 6, 2010, 5:6AM :: Comment

NPL League


Az and Ravil have been working on setting up a league for the last 2 weeks.

The NPL, wich stands for No-Pro_league, is a league for new players.

A good way to get new clans up ( and even servers), and to keep some multi-mods/games community playing SourceForts.

The format is standard 5v5.

We have already obtained results during the last 2 weeks: new servers opened (besides Nox' servers ofc),

several new clans were formed : APR|, ::MG::, etc...

This league is guaranteed to go as it stands now, but we'd like to invite more players to form a team and join up.

If you are interested, leave a response in this thread and join the steamgroup @

The Winning team will get a server set up by Az.


Az and Ravil


Posted by NocturnO on Tue, Feb 2, 2010, 11:2AM :: Comment










