Hey everyone!
I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on behind the scenes.
As some of you might have noticed, there was an alpha checklist in the dev forums, that lists the features we need to finish to reach our first alpha. As you'll also notice,
that list is very nearly complete
Also, I have fixed the Linux build,
a very tricky issue - it took almost a whole month to find that crazy memory corruption, but everything works now!
And while we're talking about bugs, I've
cleaned up and fixed a LOT of
warnings and errors! Server startup and shutdown is a nice thing to see now - and, as a bonus, performance was improved!
We're getting close to a feature-complete build, and then we'll start ironing out the gameplay. Stay tuned, because we'll be looking for a new batch of testers very, very soon.
As a bonus, here's some screenshots from ph_gulch, one of the new maps for Haven, completed by our very own 013109!
Click to view a larger version (1920x1200)