The No Pro's League is a League in SourceForts for Low to Mid Skilled people.
Everyone is free to join the group, lets get this league started!
Also I encourage people to start some clans and join in on the league, else leave a comment if you need a clan, maybe you will get picked up by one.
Hey Guys, with the big server owners on SourceForts, we started a new community.
Our goal is to replace the official one, dead, full of trolls and flammers.
A place where new players can get infos, learn the basics. Several events/contests will be organized etc...
SourceForts is a great mod mixing Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and Building/combat phases: 1st teams build their bases using different blocs to protect their flag. During the combat phase, players try to capture the other team's flag.
Please Help us as many people on SourceForts, let's reshape this mod, and make it a better place for new players!
Join us at http://sex-forts.com/forums/index.php
Thanks guys,
As more and more are registering for the league id like to point my fingers at our youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/SourceFortsTV
There will be videos showing how a pug/scrim takes place later on, but go there already now and check it out!