Okay so i reduced the particle count to 5000 and now i get 82 fps looking at it vs. 50 from before. i think im just gonna go ahead and release v2, and if its still laggy for you guys i'll experiment with it more.
Things I've Fixed
1.) Reduced particle count of clouds to 5000.
2.) Changed skybox to atmosphere/space.
3.) Expanded the suface of the pillars so you have more room to walk.
4.) Connected 2 pillars on each side to main platform.
5.) Made flag platform bigger.
6.) Lowered skybox height.
7.) Made every half-circle one brush and not several
8.) Also made every half-circle a func_detail.
9.) Made the half-circle in front of spawn room bigger (so it's harder to jump on it).
10.) Made sun bigger to fit in with the skybox.
And I think that's about it, if you like these changes tell me, or if you recommend any more tell me, too.
If I don't get any other recommendations I'll just post v2 in a couple days.
Thanx guys.
Why does like no one play Source Forts any more? We need some advertisement!