Well in hammer i see one thing you have done a bunch of times that can be bad. Yours curves...
You should make them look more like the ones on the right, I counted 10 half circles like this each with 16 slices, you can turn 160 angle brushes (source do not like angle much) into 10 ok ones. Make sure to func_detail them as well, be sure to func_detail the red/blue signs too.
Also if you can figure out your fog (blacks suggestion is nice) you can make the skybox less deep. It's insane deep atm and its just a void, if it were smaller it would help fps alot. Keep the height, lose the depth.
Also the env_sun no longer needs a info target, you can "use angles" int he light_env itself and this site
http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Sky_List It has proper light angles and such for the skybox, not sure if you were into making ur own angle or no tho, just thought it would help.
However above all else...
Lot less number plz...
For lol's i put that fog brush into a 128X128 map and got 19fps...