Projects are a way to better organize Studios. A Project is like a folder where you can store everything related to a development. This includes WiPs, Feedback and DevFolder files. Projects are also a way for fans interested in particular work to follow it more easily. When you finish a Project, you can update it with the link to the submission so fans can easily download the finished product and enjoy it.
To reduce the clutter of WiPs, when a Project reaches 100% completion, its WiPs will disappear off the WiP lists.
Studio Projects should be the responsibility of Studio Leaders. If your members aren't putting their WiPs into Projects, you should do it for them and then notify them that you have.
Remember, a well managed Studio is a better Studio!
If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.