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    1.0 Submission Title

    Special characters, numbers, and spaces are not permitted at the beginning of the title. Your spray must have a searchable name. The name should describe the spray, not be your personal indexing procedure.

    1.1 Format

    For CS 1.6 and DOD, the file format is .wad and must be named tempdecal.wad. This is the only file format that works for this game. Anything else will be useless to the user. For CSS, HL2DM and DODS, file formats are .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg, .vtf, and .tga. These games are very flexible with their file formats as you can see. Though you should make sure that you're saving an animated spray or transparent spray as their respective, and correct file formats. For CS2D, the file format is .bmp.

    1.2 Screenshots

    An in-game screenshot of your spray is required with every submission. Please take the screenshot close enough for people to see your work. Also, take the screenshot out in the light, not in the shadows or another dark place.

    1.3 Proper Credits

    Please be sure to add proper credits to your submission. All authors and companies, anyone involved in the making of the spray, must be properly credited. Adding the website where you got the image is not acceptable as credits. In the author field, separate each name with a new line, as the instructions say. List authors once only.

    1.4 Quality

    Only submit quality work. If you know it looks bad, don't submit it regardless. Please make sure that all artwork used is resized properly, and it doesn't stretch or distort in-game.

    1.5 Exclusions

    There are some items which may not be included in your submissions. They follow below.

    1.5.1 Personalization

    Personalization is not allowed in spray submissions. Personalized sprays are for a specific person or small group and aren't ideal for community use. This includes names of any kind; people, clans, groups. etc.

    1.5.2 Pornography or Nudity

    All people, real, anime, or cartoon, must be clothed. This means they must be wearing a top and a bottom piece of clothing. Ribbons, strings, pasties, see through clothing, hands, etc. do not count. It does not matter if they are facing front or not. There are no exceptions for legal reasons.

    1.5.3 Duplications

    If duplicate sprays are submitted, the older spray is allowed to stay and the newest is deleted. Sprays that are similar are subject to the judgment of administrators, but also fall under this rule.

    1.5.4 Real Blood or Guts

    This includes dead people and dead animals.

    1.5.5 Animal Cruelty

    No depictions of animal cruelty will be permitted.

    1.5.6 Personal Photographs

    This includes, but is not limited to, pictures of you, your pets, or your friends

    1.5.7 Advertisements

    Any advertisements on this site must be paid for. Do not include any ads in your submissions.

    1.6 Studio Releases

    A spray submission may only be a studio release if the image was edited by the studio. Googled images that are not altered cannot be studio releases. Images that are simply converted to spray format also cannot be studio releases.

    1.7 Non-Compliance

    Non-compliance with any of the above clauses, unless otherwise noted, will result in your submission being withheld or deleted at the administrator's discretion.

    If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.

    6 years ago 0 posts 12,282 views


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