Unidentified Orbital Objects - UOOs

Unidentified Orbital Objects - UOOs

On Wednesday the 1st of January 2020 a total of 834 unidentified satellites appeared in orbit worldwide, the ships were arranged geometrically and remained stationed at an altitude of approximately 380km. In the same day communications outside of the area of these satellites was cut off as well as several failures of satellites within this area (notable loss of communication with the International Space Station a few kilometres below). The ships resemble no known designs although much of the technology is comparative to advanced developments of discovered technologies. Attempts to reach the satellites have proven unsuccessful as a logarithmically rising repulsion occurs as a vehicle approaches the satellites having repeatedly prevented reaching them, in addition failures at assaulting the ships suggest that at least some defences exist. On 4 occasions there have also been incidents suggesting the objects have the capability to initiate attacks against ground targets if provoked, apart from these however there have been no interactions with the ships by anyone on Earth. The purpose, source and motive (if these vessels are occupied) of these ships remain a mystery, albeit one with many theories.

Design and Engineering

It is unknown what material the satellites are constructed from (partially due to the disrupting effects described later in this document) however ranged spectroscopy and educated conjecture suggest that at least some cloth derivative material is present, scientists disagree on a ceramic or metallic construction material but it is clear some stronger material supports the structure. Scientists have used various simulations ranging from nanomaterials to proven spacecraft alloys, interestingly nothing in the craft’s structures suggests any major deviations from current or near future capabilities, these ships are quite possible.

The ships are circular exhibiting several extrusions reminiscent of spines which seem to maintain structural stability, the shape is a half sphere as far as is known and it is theorised that a cone shape towards the aft of the ship would provide stability while also giving the shape seen from Earth wherein no further shape can be seen, alternatively a disc and various other geometric forms have been proposed however the common element remains that the surface must converge inwards or extend only a short distance backward otherwise such structures would be visible from oblique angles. The ships exhibit no obvious imperfections similar to imaging or other equipment although it is simple to assume this could be integrated into the surfaces or submerged or simply invisible to admittedly less than perfect imagery. The colourings are a mixture of dark greys, silver linings and vivid gold colours, at the centre of the circular face lays a luminescent section, the most promising infrared scans suggest this section is recessed however further penetration has proven unsuccessful. Visibly a blue light is emitted from this central area and this obscures viewing of the internals of whatever lies inside this structural anomaly.


While there has been very little interaction of any kind some information can be discerned from the presence of the crafts. Their arrangement is a geometric geospheric arrangement and has no gaps clearly indicating intelligent positioning or at least patterned positioning. The presence of a field preventing communication outside the coverage (beyond high intensity burst lasers) coupled with a clear effort to prevent exo-atmospheric activity clearly suggests a plan to prevent access to space. From this little information it can be surmised that the presence is at the very least neutral, certainly the fact that spatial access is prevented rather than punished suggests at least some benevolence or at least ambivalence to humanity.

Of course the most obvious behavioural indicator is the Beijing incident however it is more helpful to ascend the interaction scale by first assessing the Waltham, Hereford, Paris, and Lake Wyedale incidents. Lake Wyedale and Waltham are two locations of the United States storage areas for their B31 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, Hereford is the location of one of the United Kingdom’s few landborne launch sites near the famous SAS base and the Paris incident refers to the launch location 88 miles North of Paris at the La Benevoin nuclear silo. The incidents refer to a UN planned coordinated decision to attack the orbiting craft using nuclear missiles (after cruise missiles had proven ineffective) with low altitude detonations. The plan involved various nations detonating missiles at various altitudes against certain areas, testing for weaknesses in the space of several hours. The plan also provided the precursors for an allied launch against a threat should it materialise or should opportunity suggest the weapons were successful. The launches were not to be simultaneous and had delays between launches to allow communication and ceasefires if any problems were encountered.

The first launch was made from Hereford Military silo at 5:15am on Saturday the 22nd of January 2023. The launch seemed successful at first with both UV and laser bursts receiving reflection from the ships free of scattering and significant evidence that object fields were down (namely the launch of a kinetic impactor that seemed to be unimpeded), the scattered data from these measurements remains some of the best that has been seen to date. Approximately 8 minutes later an unidentified weapon was used against the base, the entire base down to the bunker was destroyed (more information on these later under title “Phenomena”) although the actual explosion width was rather contained. The Waltham and Benevoin launches were given the go ahead and the simultaneous launches 45 minutes later revealed similar results in the Waltham case save a video showing a bolt clearly falling from the sky [Capture Image at end of this article]. 5 minutes later the Lake Wyedale launch resulted in a retaliation where the desert nuclear base was completely obliterated, the explosion resulted in a crater 800 metres deep and nearly 3 kilometres in width, the shockwave damage destroyed the namesake town of Wyedale over 12 miles away.

6 minutes later the Chinese government launched a nuclear missile from a small base on the outskirts of Beijing city. Attempts were made to contact the Chinese however a catastrophic failure in radio and other wireless communications slowed the message to networked relay communication between governments and the Chinese were too late to abort the launch from Wyedale’s warning. The retaliation was equal, much of Beijing was destroyed and millions killed, it remains to date the largest single loss of life in history with approximately 16,072,000 dead and thousands more injured and displaced. Coupled with their second war in Russia and civil war with the North this would prove an incident that would remove China from the world stage for many years to come as they recuperated.

This is a clear example of escalating behaviour, despite attempts to prevent such revelation it leaked almost immediately that responsibility for the incidents lay with the Aliens while the others were initially ignored the Hereford incident was soon shown, criticism was raised that no reaction to the clear warnings was made and soon the entire issue became a political minefield. Suggestions that an all out assault could prove successful (having been shown that the effects of a nuclear blast could at least affect the craft) were immediately discarded, it was clear in the eyes of the world that the punishments for an assault would be severe and no government dared shoulder the responsibility of challenging such a power.

The Aliens intentions remain a mystery but their behaviour seems to follow a detached but logical trail. They actively prevent attack against them with extra-proportional punishment and engage their agenda of holding humanity earthbound with a non-lethal preventative measure. It’s obvious the Aliens have the power to enforce their plans, what they are remains a mystery but it is clear they do not have any immediate malicious intent, whether their reasoning for their actions is malicious in intent remains academic.


There are several observed phenomena related to the craft’s presence that as of yet remain unexplained, some are easy enough to declare reasoning for while others are less convenient. The craft’s altitude maintenance is one such mystery. Long term observation has not revealed significant reboosting though altitude changes have been noted, one of the most convincing arguments refers to an ion drive similar to those mounted on modern systems such as the NASA Ares link satellite which did not require reboosting, this hypothesis is relatively well supported as the drive represents an energy efficient, simple, cheap and effective method of altitude management.

When the craft first appear a sustained EMP pulse is detected. The EMP persists for three hours, after which it abruptly ceases. Governments and scientific organizations the world over are unable to explain the pulses, leading to widespread speculation positing them as an ‘extraterrestrial contact event.’ Although GPS and geosynchronous satellites are unaffected, many non-hardened communications satellites in low-Earth orbit are irreparably damaged. A radiosphere after this proves inpenetrable to all but the most powerful signals preventing communications with still active satellites. Over time these satellites (being inaccessible due to repulsion) either deorbit or are destroyed by unknown forces.

Another phenomenon is the radio-sphere. The craft are generating a high intensity radio-sphere on all frequencies (both used and otherwise) of electromagnetic communication wavelengths and despite heavy testing (particularly by the US AWACs fleet) there have not been any backdoor frequencies discovered. While the radio-sphere is relatively simple to produce and would be even easier in LEO where ion disruption is lesser than that experienced by similar generators on the ground it still exhibits at least a level of technology equal to research grade generators (though the expense of such generators are not massive). It is unknown however if the ships remain in communication among themselves, the radio-sphere’s spectrum is formidable and it is unknown whether communication would be maintained (though there are several simple ways in which such communications could be established with little trouble.

The largest unknown is the weaponry used by the vehicles. Several suggestions have been made however due to the small dataset it is hard to both prove and disprove any theories which has allowed estimations to grow in intervening years far above what would originally have been declared possible. The power of the weaponry is undisputable, it has been shown that with relatively accurate precision a “Tsar Bomba” nuclear level weapon can be deployed at under 20 minutes notice. What is unknown is whether this is the limit of their coverage or whether increasing levels of magnitude exist, this discussion is semantic however since the effectiveness of this weapon is sufficient to prevent any repeat of the 2023 combined launch plan.

While it is debatable the coverage of the weaponry is also fairly easy to assume. Whether the craft are the source or not it is undeniable that pinpoint strikes were made at separate locations on 3 different continents suggesting that alongside the craft coverage the weapon range is also total. The weapon type is also debatable, while video evidence exists and particularly for the Lake Wyevale incident infrared and wide range spectrum data also has been gathered there is still little to suggest the nature of the weapon. From the detonation craters it can be ascertained there was little radiation above background levels to suggest any atomic origin however there is not sufficient investigation to confirm or deny a reactive explosion however it was discovered with later reports that silicon oxide deposits had formed at the site indicating a high intensity temperature burn had occurred at the site.

Several theories exist to the nature of the weapon. Visual evidence was too low resolution to determine the visual nature of the weapon however the Hereford incident showed clearly a bright beam (not single point) of approximately 20m in length that travelled at several hundred kilometres per second. Infrared imaging from the Lake Wyevale incident shows that the weapon was at temperatures of over 3000degrees Celsius. With this evidence most theorise the weapon was some form of accelerated ion which had been constrained and released in a plasma build-up of incredible energy. Other note a kinetic projectile of certain characteristics could achieve the same result and furthermore others point out that a simple casing for a high energy chemical explosive could have been responsible. With so many options it is near impossible to determine any single cause of the incidents that could be conclusively assigned to an origin known, factoring additionally the assumed occupant’s assumed technological superiority and resources it is likely the full nature of the weaponry used at Beijing will never be known.


It is impossible for any conjecture to exist on the occupants of the craft due to the complete lack of interaction of any kind however this has not prevented several theories springing up in attempts to explain it. The most famous of these are the teachings of the Order of Astraeos and the experiences of Christopher Howard however several other events exist in various degrees of verifiability.

The most obvious pointer to the occupants would be the Astrae theory by Christopher Howard on which he based his Church of the similar naming convention. Howard’s experience and teachings are available many other places and so will not be documented here [See document: /Factions/OoA.docx] and these have proven the most accepted with many worldwide referring to the occupants of the craft as the Astrae despite attempts by many prominent scientists (particular the outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins) to point out the Church of Astraeos has less evidence for their theories than most mainstream religions and blindly following the experience of Howard is not a healthy outlook.

As is applicable to the above it is nearly unilaterally accepted that some form of Alien presence is responsible for the craft’s existences (though for several years a conspiracy theory involving the US government was strong) and to this debate to the contrary is now nearly non-existent. There are however several levels of discussion on the presence of the craft, even for those who follow Astraeos or similar such religions it is possible to have variable ideas on the matter. For example while it is a standard assumption that the ships are occupied there are many who suggest they could be autonomous (sent from a location far away) and furthermore others noting as technology progresses it is not always necessary for a fleet of vehicles to be fully occupied.


It is the sturdiest virus ever discovered; it is invulnerable to every assault levelled against it and denies all but the most extensive of measures. The virus travels by unknown methods has never been isolated or analysed and seems capable of adapting itself to any extreme and struck near simultaneously across the globe. Noting the sudden appearance of the ships simultaneously many have assumed they were present prior to their revelation, a simple assumption from here would link the craft to the Apollyon presence on Earth. It is a possibility the crafts are responsible for the plague although there is no evidence to support this bar the correlation between the two incidents in a decade. While it is a commonly held belief that the “Aliens” aboard the ships are responsible it is far from the only one and indeed it is rather surprising that it is not so widely held, bearing in mind how easily illogical rumour is spread (especially involving such situations where evidence is sparse) however it is not hard to walk into a room and find several different theories of its source (and more further to its existence at all).


Despite decades of research and thought there is very little information on any facet of the craft’s presence above Earth. The crafts have remained stationary for over 30 years with absolutely no contact with any human par the possible story of Christopher Howard and the disciplining of those who attempt to assault them. It is now an accepted fact by many that we are not alone, it is an idea that has brought religions to their knees or to the point of extremism so far removed from their origins they are indistinguishable from what they once were. The world has changed beyond recognition to a point where all but the most stable of nations have become unrecognisable.

Lake Wyevale Security Camera Video Feed – Image Capture 1 second prior to impact incident


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