Improvised / Homemade Explosives
Improvised / Homemade Guns
Improvised / Homemade flame-throwers
Improvised / Homemade melee weapons
Miscellaneous Improvised / Homemade weapons
sign me in!
Posted by Jonny-higgins
Yup - Just typing up the contest thread and summertime winners now :)
You got any thoughts/suggestions?
Awesome! Currently don't got any suggestions though I find this theme of the contest quite interesting, it will be something quite interesting to make/experiance! so yea defiantly a nice idea Jonny!
Posted by Rafael De Jongh
Will this become a Gamebanana Contest ?
Yup - Just typing up the contest thread and summertime winners now :)
You got any thoughts/suggestions?
Will this become a Gamebanana Contest ?
In case you're all out on creative juices.
Damn a nokia, guaranteed to win