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    1.0 Minimum Content Requirement

    The acceptable minimal length for wikis is 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences). Adding pictures, video, or flash do not count as length to your paper. Quoting someone and using their words does not count as length either.

    1.1.1 Minimum Content Requirement for Wikis

    All wikis are required to contain a minimum amount of content, whether it be text, images, flash or any other form that constitutes it's purpose for entertainment/information/useful listings. No wikis may be "Under Construction" over this period, but obviously, all wikis can still be edited at any given time.

    1.2 Article Minimum Content

    This depends on the section you are writing for. Everything listed must be no less than a page (5 paragraphs). The only exception is Map Reviews which require a minimum of less than a page (3-4 paragraphs).

    1.3 Autoplaying Music

    As with all sections of GameBanana autoplaying music or videos are against the rules. Wikis containing either may have these removed by a moderator or admin, or the wiki itself may be completely removed as a last resort.

    1.4.0 Exclusions

    There are some items which may not be included in your submissions. They follow below.

    1.4.1 Pornography/Nudity

    All people, real, anime, or cartoon, must be clothed. This means they must be wearing a top and a bottom piece of clothing. Ribbons, strings, pasties, see-through clothing, hands, etc. do not count. It does not matter if they are facing front or not. There are no exceptions for legal reasons.

    1.4.2 Extreme Violence

    No life-like fighting or shooting. If blood is shown then this qualifies for extreme violence. Image or videos of dead bodies also qualifies. This includes dead animals.

    1.4.3 Advertisements

    Any advertisements on this site must be paid for. Do not include any ads in your submissions.

    1.4.4 Harassment

    Any form of harassing another member will not be tolerated, even if that member is banned, there is zero tolerance for such behavior. Treat others how you would like to be treated and use your best judgment.

    1.4.5 English

    All wikis must be in English. Any wiki that is in a different language is subject to be withheld or trashed upon the moderators discretion.

    1.5 Articles

    To write an article you must have permission from tom. Any articles found that never got his permission will immediately be trashed with no questions asked. Articles are found in Articles & Interviews, Compare & Contrast, 5 Things, Game Reviews, Map Reviews, Mod Zone, Reasons Why, and The Speculator. Notice that this is subject to be added upon in the future.

    1.6 Article Format

    All articles must have at least 2 images. If the image is a header then host the image and post the length there. Make sure it does not stretch the page. If the image is embedded within the article then scroll down to the bottom of the page and host the image through there. You are required to use HTML when using these images. If you need help with the code then feel free to ask. No articles may contain fieldsets. If you would like to organize your article then please use tables or the title HTML to divide up the sections.

    1.7 Sources

    Some articles may require you to do some research. When doing so you have to make sure you give credit to your source or it will be considered plagiarism, and you will suffer heavy consequences. Use HTML when showing your sources. If you are quoting someone then use quotes, obviously.

    1.8 GB Contests

    Please use the GB Contests page to host any contest you might have. You are more than welcome to create a forum thread to promote this contest of yours. You must have some sort of prize, whether it be points or a physical prize. If a contest is created without a prize then expect your contest to be withheld.

    1.9 Other/Misc

    If your wiki does not fit in any other section then please use this section so it is not penalized. This section is more for off topic talk.

    2.0 Creating a new Section

    If you would like to start a new section in the wikis then you need at least 3 of that type of wiki to begin one. If this wiki is an article under a new section then it is allowed to just need 1 wiki to start a new section. A moderator has to accept the new section in order for it to appear.

    If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.


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