1.0 Submission Title
Special characters, numbers, and spaces are not permitted at the beginning of the name. The name must describe the submission and be searchable. Do not use profanity in your submission name.
1.1 Author(s)
Every person who worked on any part of your submission must be credited. Put the authors names in the author field, each name separated by a new line. Detailed credits should go in the author's notes field. List authors once only. Do not include anyone who did not have a role in the creation of the content.
1.2 Studio Releases
Submissions may be studio releases only if members of the studio worked on the submission.
1.3 Render
The render must include a picture of your skin. No generic renders will be allowed.
1.4 Screenshots
At least 2 in-game screenshots are required. Please take into account what type of skin you are submitting and include screenshots from all appropriate angles.
1.5 Porting
Porting skins from one game to another is illegal and not allowed, with the exception of content by game companies that have given their permission, listed on the Porting Whitelist.
1.6 Personalization
Personalization is not allowed in skin submissions. Personalized skins are for a specific person or small group and aren't ideal for community use. This includes names of any kind; people, clans, groups. etc.
1.7 Redistribution
All submissions in which you have no part in its creation (Uploading/Screenshots do NOT count) should be set as a redistribution and should not contain the submitter name in the authors list. Please attempt to get the original authors person to re-host their content elsewhere or notify them of your re-upload. Archives must match those provided by the original author with no new additions or subtractions and honor any Readme clauses.
1.8 Non-Compliance
Non-compliance with any of the above clauses, unless otherwise noted, will result in your submission being withheld or deleted at the administrator's discretion.
If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.