
The Apollyon virus is not conclusively investigated. There are multiple models for the activities of the virus (though "virus" in itself is a misnomer since it is not confirmed that a virus is responsible for the symptoms) and the most popular of these, known as the Communicative Induction model of Apollyon spread, is detailed below. This model has received the best support from evidence to date and is most likely though there are still large holes in its theories due to the effort to ensure only secure knowledge was detailed.

Note: This is written from the point of view of present day scientists who knows everything on the subject they are writing and is simplified of the actual mechanisms in places, it is a summary.

Mechanisms of Action

The viral infection commonly known as the Apollyon virus has a multitude of effects upon the body. The most noticeable effect of the virus is the increase in cell death and division rates. While these changes are alien to the body the mechanisms that result produce the horrific mutations popularised by the media (and also the rare beneficial and much more common neutral mutations) are not.

The virus is suspected to be similar to a RNA pathogen however unlike most viruses experimentation has been unable to locate any form of carrier mechanism. In the entire study of the virus since its discovery only a single study has been able to locate any form of location or imaging of its presence(nt. 12/2020 Lewis and Knackerson - A Study on the A5H2 virus and cell assault mechanism). This imaging located as a 1/1000000 chance scan was a SEM run which revealed multiple protein channels having been permanently denatured to an open position by left over sections of what seemed to be ribonucleic bases and several more showing signs of new proteins attaching and modifying the shape. The image suggested that the virus is completely composed of a RNA strand based system with anti-sense strands forming a carrier and protection for the sense strands which are suspected to be located centrally. This is then attached to carrier proteins to lock entry and further controlled once the cell is controlled.

The Apollyon infection strands seem to gain access to the cell by no single route but rather by a multitude of mechanisms. It is believed that the most common entry mechanism involves 9 RNA strands which, if DSEM analysis on assaulted cell (nt. 08/2018 - IMSSI 1722/5) is correct, are capable of manipulation to varying shapes upon a molecular level and so through extended periods of attempt can simulate a cellular ion. Once sufficient access is granted by the channel protein the virus attacks the proteins structure damaging and in most cases destroying it. An interesting side effect here which has been noted on occasions, though no study has been able to discover a direct mechanism, is that upon gaining control of the cell there is a notable destruction of carrier proteins and channels. This possibly could be a system designed to reduce the possible counter measures.

Upon entrance to the cell the strands seem to dissociate from their respective carriers as they are not located here where discovery would seem more likely. It is however obvious the mechanism of action in its changes upon the cell metabolism. DNA Hybridisation with uninfected DNA (now almost impossible to locate) and genome analysis have revealed large swathes of DNA sections sometimes encompassing entire genes which bear signs of modification. The modifications are mostly confined to Intron sections with only some changes to exon sections and other major operation areas. However due to growing understanding of DNA it is quite likely that the changes to these sequences are significant due to the sophisticated way in which the cell operates.

Due to the global nature of the A5H2 virus the saturation in cells is massive; the virus has been detected in water supplies, food, other organisms, air and even other microorganisms. In a 2022 IMSSI study modifying previous techniques; scientists studying samples of air from various parts of the world including Antarctica. In all samples the Apollyon presence was found to be 100%. Later studies in open air proved this not to be an experimental error, across the entire planet there was not a mass of air larger than 1cm^3 not containing 22moldm^-3 of Apollyon at minimum (arbitrary designation, see below).

An interesting effect of the A5H2 is its ability to synchronise the effects of mutagenic effects across the entire organism and in this way it is possible to see the Apollyon virus showing characteristics most similar to atypical viruses though the secondary injection mechanisms. Upon sufficient control of the cell the Apollyon begins its injection into the DNA and replication begins. Upon successful control of the cell and production of new ribosomes through create of modified Ribosomal RNA in addition to other enzymes which will digest the membranes of the original ribosomes, the Apollyon activates a new mechanism which causes significant changes to the original DNA. These changes are often unsuccessful or harmful to both the cell and the organism, and if so will not survive this stage with the cell dying. If the cell does survive this stage then the cell is known theorised to at this point create thousands of messages likely based on a modified Cyclic AMP compound which are distributed throughout the body and have been detected both in the blood and in the lymph (nt. 04/2019 - IMSSI 1745/07). It is unknown how the determination is made however at some point one of the compounds is found superior over the others and will have entered enough cells to grow superior. The messenger when entering a cell modified the Apollyon strain present or any DNA within the cell to carry out the mechanisms of the original host cell, in this way even cells not exposed to the virus will be modified also. It has been suggested that there is a viral competition between the messengers similar to traditional viruses and they may even attempt to digest each other when encountered in a phago/lymphatic manner or using a neurokinetic assault chemical, however this is unproven.

For the approximately 72 hour period after infection the patient will feel incredibly tired and need to eat heavily as their bodies cells slow other mechanisms including respiration and each produce their own messengers in the thousands. Eventually by some selection one messenger becomes supreme and will be present in every cell if just be sheer numbers present. Upon this point when messengers in the circulatory systems have reached critical concentrations the cells will return to normal operations, that is operations within their new genetic code. In this case it is common for infected people to have now developed genetic defects, have such minor changes that no effect is noticed or to have actual beneficial changes.

Common results of Apollyon infection can include: increased perception to spots or freckles, increased resistance to viruses, increased resistance to certain bacteria, increased resistance to some diseases, increased ability to produce lymphocytes, development of tumours, development of secondary organs, ability of cells to regress to embryonic stem cell state in some areas, degradation of sections of the body, activation of immune system attacking other cells, paralysis, loss of limbs etc. etc.

It is generally considered that with the massive variation of Apollyon infections and the billions infected, any form of symptom is possible.

The effects of the Apollyon on micro biotic life is under documented despite its notable effect on the modern world where the ability of health institutions to combat infection has been decimated to near pre-renaissance levels in all but the most developed nations that have retained the necessary infrastructure. The Apollyon virus is believed to interact with prokaryotic cells in the same way it does eukaryotic, they are all equally susceptible. On the viral level however there have been several studies which have pinpointed viral vectors displaying traits that are notably similar to Apollyon communication vectors (nt. 04/2022 - RRI 893/01). It has therefore been theorised under the Communicative Induction model of Apollyon action that the virus is capable of penetrating the glycoprotein shell and introducing changes to the viral DNA directly via some form of reverse transcriptase enzyme. It was initially thought that the enzyme was carried by the virus however due to the ability to modify its RNA shell strands to allow assault on transport proteins in cells, it is now suspected that that the molecule's shell strands imitate the enzyme itself.

The implications of this suggestion are profound. A single sample of Apollyon (thanks to the IMSSI bacterial testing mechanism allowing diagnosis of samples - see below) introduced to multiple prokaryotic, eukaryotic, fungal and viral systems were all equally effective. It is believed that the Apollyon is capable of manipulating its shell composition into shapes suitable for the task and this has allowed its effectiveness crossing species barriers. It seems that in atypical organisms (mostly Archaea and fungi) the virus can use alternate methods to move through the organism, for example in a test by the Nottingham University in England it was shown that Apollyon could be detected in large concentrations in fungal spores. This would show that the Apollyon is capable of using the organism's own transport systems (such as the lymph for cAMP in humans) to further the spread which seems to be required for optimum operability. Due to the multiple theories that suggest different strains of Apollyon compete it is suspected that differing strains are capable of microcellular combat by direct ingestion and introduction of destructive compounds.

The Apollyon spread itself is a complete unknown and due to the mystery of its origins there is no consensus on its movements. Some suggest it had a single origin point while others declare that due to the short time between symptoms in various nations it had been present or was distributed globally. However there are many discussions of its current spread. Through various testing active Apollyon symptoms have been detected in dead skin cells, hair, tooth enamel (under layer), faeces and expelled gases (stomata release in plants and ventilation in chordates). The obvious implication is that Apollyon is spread through nearly every waste product of an organism and so can spread in dense populations with startling speed. In the 2022 IMSSI air sample study there were samples of high altitude pathways (relative due to Alien craft presence) and there was surprise in finding Apollyon concentrations that were much greater than expected, it has been since suggested that the Apollyon is capable of transport by pressure airways. Nevertheless it is believed that the Apollyon is airborne by the majority of the scientific community, the speed of spread exceeds skin to skin and even fluid and body waste contact.


There have been of course multiple attempts at countering the Apollyon plague, however to date only a single attempt has even been successful in countering the symptoms of the virus though no specific cure has ever been even hinted at let alone been developed.

In 2021 Belgian scientists working with the World Health Organisation produced a modified form of the HIV virus via RNAi mechanisms which could modify phagocytes to ingest foreign molecules containing Nitrogenous bases as specified by its coding. The cure looked promising and seemed to be effective in reducing viral activity in test patients.

However upon beta testing the cure proved effective at first but within days the virus was mutagenic again, further testing upon separate test subjects proved ineffective.

It seemed that resistance to the cure had been developed in a matter of days and was found in all cases of the virus within a month wherever the cure was disseminated. The Alpha cure had been completely ineffective.

In 2030 scientists from a small set of well funded labs in America which had been swallowing talent for the last 10 years made a breakthrough. The group approached the IMSSI which at the time was a leader in industrial scale scientific; they revealed to them their development of a treatment known as Tamefyllon. The IMSSI agreed to follow Association formulae and assist their scientists in refining the cure into a more mass producible product. In 2034 mass production of Tamefyllon began, the first shipments were exclusive to the Association but future excess was free to be sold to other customers with a massive cut to the Association.

The Tamefyllon cure functions by cutting off transport mechanisms within cells throughout the entire organism. The Tamefyllon injections are in fact a multitude of compounds which serve to shut down active transport, damage carrier proteins (admittedly temporary with Apollyon's ability to regenerate them) and shut down blood capillaries in digestive tracts preventing some nutrients spreading throughout the body. The cure was a result of Association notations that the Apollyon virus will retract its changes to the body’s metabolism if insufficient nutrients are provided to allow such changes while retaining the host vitality. By exploiting this weakness the Tamefyllon cure starves the body down to just enough to keep it alive and in doing so preventing the advance of the Apollyon which would reduce its mutations in order to retain the host's survival.

Tamefyllon however has multiple side effects in addition to its ability to halt the advance of Apollyon including significantly reducing the body’s resistance to infection which has in recent times made antibiotics a valued rarity. The Tamefyllon's primary side effect however is the incredible resulting weakness of the user's person. The lack of nutrients to cells, its inability to supply pyruvate to muscles and glucose to higher nerve clusters results in the user showing noticeable fatigue except after eating large amounts of food. The body’s ability to move molecules is also reduced and so recovery from injury is slowed. Patients who have been using Tamefyllon for extended periods will turn from short-term periods of weakness to near permanent weakness and at times the influx of ions after going off the drug can often kill a user.

One of the greatest successes in combating the Apollyon was the introduction of a technique, developed by the IMSSI in 2022, for the detection Apollyon presence in samples of varying composition. The test involved a genetically engineered variant of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. The test involves this modification of the bacterium which has been designed to produce an unusual number of protein channels on the bilipid layer, the result of this is that the E.Coli are likely to be significantly more vulnerable to infection. In addition the nuclear envelope has been virtually removed, the ribosomal RNA has had the enclosure chains removed to aid assault and the genes coding for both DICER and Argonaute have been completely removed. As a result of these changes (and many others not documented here) the bacterium has very little chance of surviving in the wild. The experiment was initially a test for the Facilitated Manipulation Theory (since discounted) but found use beyond, the test revealed how quickly Apollyon symptoms could be reliably found within a population in under 48 hours.

The consideration of using it as a diagnostic test actually was from the external source of the Stanford Biotechnology Institute's resident Director Michael Harman who suggested that in prepared batches, with an effective device to aid operation, the experiment could be used to test for Apollyon presences. Since then the IMSSI Bacterial Detection Test (BDT) has become the de-facto testing mechanism for dozens of nations in determining need for Tamefyllon distribution and has been officially adopted by the Association for their entry and bi-yearly testing. The famous experiment of late 2022 refined these techniques at the IMSSI laboratory at St Gallen, Switzerland where air samples from hundreds of locations worldwide and brought reliable evidence of Apollyon presence worldwide. The test is relatively simple: a population of the modified bacterial colony is entered into an enclosed chamber which is adjusted to temperature and pressure which have been proven to ensure quickest revelation of Apollyon symptoms. The sample, be it tissue, air or even living creature is placed in an adjoining chamber where a semi-permeable membrane prevents direct contamination but allows Apollyon infection into the bacteria. The testing sample is placed in a central chamber and is surrounded usually by 9 separate chambers on each face each with a separately grown (from the same base genus) colony in each with a total of 45 chambers. Each chamber is continually tested via periodic removal of DNA samples which are then analysed against an initial sample for significant changes beyond benchmark values (these are not the only symptoms of Apollyon but are helpful). A computer then analyses the results from all of the chambers, remove anomalies and forms a result of positive or negative Apollyon presence. If positive the results are then compared against an arbitrary system developed by the IMSSI which suggests values for Apollyon molecules per unit of volume vacuum. The higher the value (and so earlier the manifestation of symptoms), the greater concentration of Apollyon in the sample.

To this day it is the most reliable screening for Apollyon presence.


The Apollyon is often called a virus but this is a misconception due to the human fallacy of trying to define and categorise which cannot always be linked to that which is known. The Apollyon's action is still a mystery; it has been declared a protein, an RNA virus or something completely alien. The Association have produced some incredibly innovative treatments for the Apollyon without understanding its mechanisms even to a basic level. The virus has proven unstoppable at nearly every turn and only through some deceptions and work-around methods has any form of mechanism against the symptoms of the Apollyon been possible. The search for a clear understanding of the plague and possibly, one day, a cure to the Apollyon continues to be the life goal of thousands of scientists worldwide. While many have now accepted the presence of Apollyon in their lives, many never having known any different, the scientific community continues to strive towards the day when the Apollyon will finally be defeated.


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