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    1.0 Purpose

    Each studio must have a serious purpose. A "serious purpose" is defined as the development of content relevant to our community. Studios releasing content that isn't relevant will be removed.

    1.1 Quality

    Studios must aspire to a high standard of workmanship. Studios releasing poor quality content will be removed.

    1.2 Conduct

    Studio members and leaders must treat their studio with the same respect they treat the rest of the site with. This includes message quality. Studios found abusing any part of the service will be removed.

    1.3 Commitment

    Studios must commit to developing site related content on a regular basis. Inactive studios will be automatically deleted after 5 months. Studios failing to release content will also be removed.

    1.4 Team

    The purpose of a studio is to provide a common platform for people to work together. For this reason, studios and studio releases must have a minimum of two members/authors. Within two weeks of inception, your studio must have at least two members or it will be removed.

    1.5 Submissions

    Studios must only make studio releases when the release has been developed by the studio - minimum two contributing authors. Studios found to be releasing works they are not responsible for will be removed (Ex: Uploading 'Googled' Images).

    1.5.1 Exceptions

    If a member has made at least FIVE 9/10+ submissions in a single section they may represent themselves as a Studio in that section.

    1.5.2 Contributing Authors

    A studio member who has created some physical piece of work within the submission (prefab, texture, normal map etc). Any studio member posting feedback in a WiP that results in design changes from the WiP owner does NOT qualify the poster as a contributing author.

    1.6 Language

    As of 2011, Studios may post in their native language to improve the studios ability to communicate/cooperate to create content for release. This extends ONLY to the Studio Profile, Help Wanted, WiP and Projects pages.

    1.7 Mod Studio Allowances

    Users developing singleplayer/multiplayer mods have no limits on Team size. WiP's/Projects may be released under the mod banner even if a single user developed the content within it as it will be included in the final mod release when completed.

    1.8 Non-Compliance

    Non-compliance with any of the above clauses, unless otherwise noted, will result in a warning, followed by removal of memberships, changing of studio ownership or removal of the studio itself, at the administrator's discretion.

    See also the Studio FAQ page for more information

    If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.


    • Kenty's Levels
      • P4: Worker
        Points: 26,707
      • C1: Member
      • A6: Elder
        Account Age: 7 years

      Why the hell was my studio trashed? I was using under rule 1.5.1 ffs ¬_¬

      User Title
      London 2027
    • Logan Dougall's Levels
      • P5: Peddler
        Points: 157,213
      • E6: Authority
        EF: 223
      • C5: Admin
      • A6: Elder
        Account Age: 7 years

      Posted by %%Arman Ossi Loko%%

      How much must a studio be inactive to be deleted/trashed?

      Stated in Rule 1.3

      Adding _csgo to CS:GO maps...?
    • Arman Ossi Loko's Levels
      • P3: Peasant
        Points: 21,681
      • C2: Ripe Member
      • A3: Apprentice
        Account Age: 2 years

      How much must a studio be inactive to be deleted/trashed?

      User Title
      The Deadviper
    • Kinay99's Levels
      • P1: Beggar
        Points: 78
      • C1: Member
      • A2: Tenderfoot
        Account Age: 12 months

      Posted by Logan Dougall

      Posted by Kinay99

      I owns a Studio, have 3 Members in total. I want to set as "STUDIO RELEASE" but i only can choose the "INDEPENDENT RELEASE"... Help?!

      You made your studio a "Mod Studio" rather than a regular old studio that releases content for a variety of games. Mod studios are for users grouping together to create a full game of sorts (Zombie Mod, a HL2 campaign etc).

      If you go to your studio, under Edit Profile, there will be the option to switch it to a regular studio and it SHOULD appear as an option. If it still will not show then either A) wait 24 hours for the cache to update or B) Use the "Bugs" button on the right of the page to report the issue.

      Hmm... Solid Copy, I guess :)

    • Logan Dougall's Levels
      • P5: Peddler
        Points: 157,213
      • E6: Authority
        EF: 223
      • C5: Admin
      • A6: Elder
        Account Age: 7 years

      Posted by Kinay99

      I owns a Studio, have 3 Members in total. I want to set as "STUDIO RELEASE" but i only can choose the "INDEPENDENT RELEASE"... Help?!

      You made your studio a "Mod Studio" rather than a regular old studio that releases content for a variety of games. Mod studios are for users grouping together to create a full game of sorts (Zombie Mod, a HL2 campaign etc).

      If you go to your studio, under Edit Profile, there will be the option to switch it to a regular studio and it SHOULD appear as an option. If it still will not show then either A) wait 24 hours for the cache to update or B) Use the "Bugs" button on the right of the page to report the issue.

      Adding _csgo to CS:GO maps...?
    • Kinay99's Levels
      • P1: Beggar
        Points: 78
      • C1: Member
      • A2: Tenderfoot
        Account Age: 12 months

      I owns a Studio, have 3 Members in total. I want to set as "STUDIO RELEASE" but i only can choose the "INDEPENDENT RELEASE"... Help?!

    • Logan Dougall's Levels
      • P5: Peddler
        Points: 157,213
      • E6: Authority
        EF: 223
      • C5: Admin
      • A6: Elder
        Account Age: 7 years

      Posted by cR45h

      I think that the two members minimum part could use some exceptions, for example, if I make a skin and everything there is made by me, I should have the option to upload it under the studio name.

      The studio had no part in its creation, it's an individual submission.

      If you need two people to form a studio, then you need two people to create studio submissions.

      • Helpful x 1
      Adding _csgo to CS:GO maps...?
    • Crash's Levels
      • P3: Peasant
        Points: 24,374
      • E3: Tutor
        EF: 55
      • C2: Ripe Member
      • A4: Graduate
        Account Age: 3 years

      I think that the two members minimum part could use some exceptions, for example, if I make a skin and everything there is made by me, I should have the option to upload it under the studio name.

      • Agree x 1
