Help Wanted

1.0 Purpose

The Help Wanted section is a way for studios to advertise an opening/new position that is available. This can be a temporary (project specific) or permanent position. This is NOT the section to request general help/tutorials/requests, this section is to find people to work within your studio.

1.1 Submission Title

Give your ad a short catchy title geared towards the position you're seeking. Avoid Generic titles such as "Mapper"; instead make it clear what type of mapper, for example "Experienced UDK Engine Mapper". Avoid using your studio name in the title field as your studio name will already be listed with the Help Wanted ad.

1.2 Information

Please list expected duties and skills required for the position in an easy to read manner (bulleted lists), the expected amount of time for the job if applicable, and any extra questions/information that applications must fill out in their response.

1.3 Quality

Make you ad professional by checking your spelling, formatting and grammar before posting. Low quality help wanted ads will be deleted.

1.4 Language

You may post your help wanted ad in your native language to locate another member you can easily communicate with; however, keep in mind this will limit the number of potential applicants and you are encouraged to post an English translation at the end of your ad.

1.5 Unanswered Postings

Help Wanted ad's that are 3 months old will be removed from the listing. If your post did not receive any responses consider changing the job description or requirements in a new posting.

1.6 Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with any of the above clauses, unless otherwise noted, will result in your submission being withheld or deleted at the administrator's discretion.

If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.


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