People's Confederation of Eurasia (PCoE)

The People's Confederation of Eurasia is a neo-socialist/fascist government occupying the 21st century state of Russia and the areas of Europe previously occupied by cold war Russia as well as a few nations further into the previous European Union. The group is a primarily militarized police state despite having heightened Imperialist leanings, these tendencies are heavily driven by the current leadership however and a change in such governance could remove the system which has held the Confederation strong over the years. The birth of the Confederation and the life of Anastas Yeniseyevich Khabatov are intrinsically linked, Khabatov exists as one of the few examples of a single person creating a massive influence upon the world. Khabatov was born in Nizhny Novgorod (later renamed Gorky Novgorod as a reference to the slang term he grew up using and the writer who he was a prodigious reader of) in 1981 and was privy to growing up in the fall of the Soviet Union. Anastas father had been a Russian Army volunteer who achieved little of note in his term of service; he did however inspire Khabatov who, after his mother's death to a severe flu in 1998, joined the Russian Army. Unlike his father Khabatov gained prestige in the army quickly his superiors noting his bravery and enigmatic devotion to Russia as well as his notable ability to form friendship with strangers easily, a charismatic soldier and natural leader. During his early army years Khabatov immersed himself in the literature which as a youth had been unattainable, he took a liking to the writings of Karl Marx which was assisted by the actions of his officer, Dmitri Estamev who mentored the young and directionless Khabatov and helped to educate him. Despite his lack of impact upon the Russian Military Anastas’ father did leave a significant impact upon the young boy before his death even if he never truly shared his father’s extremist views.

Yeghish Kabadaian, a poor baker's son from Anastasavan, Armenia. At sixteen, Yeghish escaped from his bucolic town and Yeghish experienced fierce ethnic discrimination from his Slav peers: despite a long and distinguished career, he was never promoted beyond NCO rank. Embittered and disillusioned by the prejudice rampant in the Soviet ranks, Yeghish changed his name to the more Slavic 'Yenisey Khabatov.' Soon after, Yenisey married his longtime fiancee Ekaterina Gaidarova, a Red Army nurse and daughter of his commanding officer. When his son Anastas was born, Yenisey raised him as a Russian patriot, telling him that the Soviet Union had corrupted Russian Imperial notions of ethnic equality, regaling him with tales of stories of officers such as the Ukrainian General Pavel Mishchenko and the Baltic German Admiral Nikolai Essen who, despite not being of Slavic descent, were rapidly promoted for their abilities in battle. Yenisey contrasted this with the violent condescension he had encountered in the Red Army, concluding (rather over-simply) that Communism bred prejudice and that the Russian Empire was the only 'true Rodina.' Though unconvinced, his father's tales of prejudice in the Soviet Army left a lasting impression on Anastas - an impression that lingered long after his mother fell prey to illness and his father committed suicide.

The now-orphaned Anastas was taken in by his late mother's uncle, GRU Colonel Dmitri Yegorovich Erikeev, an opportunistic officer who had risen to his position of power by engineering GRU's support of Boris Yeltsin during the coup d'etat of August 1991. Under Erikeev's mentoring, Anastas entered the Russian Army, proceeding to the elite Combined Arms Academy at an unheard-of twenty-one years of age and graduating at the top of his class. By the age of thirty, Anastas had graduated from the General Staff Academy holding the rank of General-Major joined the Red Army, hoping for a more interesting life. During his service, Anastas met the discrimination his father had known but went beyond it and with the overwatch of officers who saw his potential soon rose to a position of power where he was handed command of a counter-insurgency command with the Russian Airborne in the aftermath of the 2017 Azerbaijan Conflict. His great success in the conflict led to his promotion to Lieutenant General giving him command of a field army and attaining in 16 years of service what many generals never achieved ever.

When war broke out between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in 2019 Khabatov had risen to the rank of General 1st class likely due to his notable command in the Azerbaijan conflict where due to brilliantly coordinated strikes against both military and civilian resistance only 46 soldiers died despite a heavily land borne conflict, this victory proved a continued boost to Khabatov's career as he enjoyed a period of fame as a national example. Khabatov's army division proved extremely effective holding the regions around Novobirsk long after the blitzkrieg Chinese assault had reached Saint Petersburg; he was nicknamed the "Last Cossack of the North" by Chinese soldiers in their repeated assaults on the city, now with troops attacking from the western areas of Russia. Khabatov's forces held 4 weeks after the Russian government signed a surrender to China refusing the repeated instructions to lay down arms (and having his comrade General Antonev (2nd class) taken from his command) before the superior Chinese forces overwhelmed his defences. Khabatov’s hold in the Siege of Novobirsk had inflicted over 90,000 casualties on the attacking PLA forces compared to his own force of 35,000 men which was reduced to a mere 5000 captured alive. Khabatov was held under house arrest by Chinese forces, at the same time China began its attempts to stabilise the Russian government to manage its people as a territory of the People's Nation of China. Khabatov's capture was used as a propaganda piece for Russian troops, fake videos declaring his support of the Chinese control being produced.

In 2022 a group of Chinese generals who had been instrumental in the war against Russia used the forces now under their control in the form of Russian troops and loyal allies in the homeland to stage a coup in Northern China. Through a close personal relationship with a number of these generals Khabatov was able to engineer his freedom and help lead the Russian forces in removing the remaining Chinese armies not loyal to these. With Khabatov's assistance these generals formed in Northern China the People's Confederation of China (PCoC) and a close relationship was maintained between the PCoC and the newly formed PCoE.

Khabatov was now in control of one of the largest nations on the planet in a time of extreme flux, this was his moment to bring them to a world power or see them fall into a period of civil unrest lasting decades. A significant portion of the former country of Russia's population was now what could be considered the slang term of "Rubble", people not living in cities, not paying tax and for the most part surviving by their own system. Delicacy was required. War proved the most delicate option Khabatov could mount.

Anastas Khabatov took the posts of: President of the People's Confederation of Eurasia, Supreme Secretary of the Eurasian Free People's Party and Grand Marshall of the Free People's Confederate Army. His first move was to mount the Russian army into a campaign "reclaiming" the Eastern Bloc, with the European Union still in talks about the congregation of EU forces into a single army (which would be later lynch pinned by the UGDT) and food shortages driving economic losses, opinion was at its worst against the Eastern nations which through the development mandates of the EU were still continuing to drain resources from many nations. The campaign despite publicly condemned was allowed to continue although the nations of Poland, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia were left untouched. These were also nations of significant EU interest.

The war in the Eastern Bloc served to tie up a considerable amount of the Eurasian population and removed the possible problem of the Eurasian military, the military were stationed for three years from the initial invasion of 2026 and this was the time for Khabatov to rebuild a nation. Working from the considerable influence of a Marxist ideal Khabatov developed the contradiction of a socialist dictatorship. Khabatov began by installing a military system at every level of civil infrastructure which climbed in a ranking almost identical to military promotional systems towards the top of the pyramid with Khabatov's command.

From here Khabatov developed upon the civilian level a government supported aid system reminiscent of early communism. The government would be represented directly by the military which would provide food and other supplies to Rubble settlements while more formal institutions managed similar goals in larger cities and towns that merited such permanent fixtures. Squads of soldiers would be deployed in the countryside to interface with Rubble settlements providing aid and support as a de-facto law keeping force and helping to maintain a semblance of order where none actually existed, the military would rarely intervene directly in Rubble matters and would attempt to remain separated from civilian life.

On a street level the Eurasian people act like a Western Capitalist democracy. The Government will intervene to prevent heavy monopoly and manage sustainable economy however in the majority civilian life is assisted by the government rather than managed by it. It is ensured that the government is helping civilian life, the good guys, rather than controlling it.

When the Eurasian military returned to Russia 3 years on (leaving a small garrison in nation to carry out the actions described above and operate security facilities) many were expecting to return to a nation where those in the cities lived in poverty and those in the Rubble settlements must toil for their food. What they found was a nation where poverty was no longer the norm and healthcare was the best in the world east of the date line. Support for Anastas Khabatov was sufficient that his continued goal of strengthening the PCoE and ensuring the happiness of the people of Eurasia was able to continue undeterred.

Khabatov is a charismatic and intelligent leader who truly has the interests of his people at heart and has managed to ensure the dominance of his nation and livelihood of the population through these traits, through him Eurasia retains the traits of a true world no longer seen after the US fell and the EU nations being pawns of the UGDT. However as of the present day Anastas Khabatov, the orphan from Novgorod now ruler of a nation, is 65 and while still as sharp as he ever was if not even more determined: unless Khabatov can find an heir in the next 10 years to carry on his ideals it is possible that without his guidance the People's Confederation of Eurasia will fall into another unremarkable territory awaiting the intentions of the next great mind humanity can produce.

There is however a contradiction in the beliefs of Anastas Khabatov. In order to fuel his plans for his people Khabatov needed supplies of food and oil in the world which even the plantations of Eurasia were incapable of supplying, especially with the Apollyon crisis. It was here that Khabatov had the foresight to sponsor the operation of a food production operation by the MET that he had also formed a moderate fuel deal with and in doing so got a near monopoly on their supply. It was a risky move for Khabatov but after the deal of 2036, when the harvest came in 2037 there was a period of health which had not been seen for decades. In 2039 however Khabatov had to repay the debt, the money to the MET had been nothing but the initial handshake and it was the future favour that they were truly buying by denying food to their own peoples. In 2039 the People's Confederation of Eurasia signed an agreement allowing the MET to conduct operations which Khabatov, who was seen to be particularly unhappy on having to broker the deal, was aware would doom peoples of the Eastern Bloc outside of previous Russian territory to a life of MET slave raids. Eurasian troops continued to provide aid to Rubble groups and attempt to support them, under the treaty MET forces were required to warn Eurasian troops of operations in order to ensure they were clear of any fighting. Eurasian troops (often under orders from their superiors, an action Khabatov personally endorsed though he could not say this officially) would often warn Rubble people of such actions however the common practice of MET forces to place spies in attack areas in order to discern when Eurasian troops were clear meant that such warnings were not always possible.

On the other side of the coin there were decisions Khabatov made which he was extremely excited about that turned upon him. Khabatov had in his position formed a strong friendship with the US government and seeing how they were moving towards integrating populations and government into Project Lockdown IV (Association city building plan) was understandably interested. In an attempt to build relations with the US, a nation he thoroughly respected having inspired their own civilian lower level system, Khabatov decided to follow the suit of Europe with Lockdown V and initiate Project Lockdown VI. The project was to follow the template as of so far with government run cities rather than Association run possibly an option for the future. By this point Poland had been divided to Eurasian and German control and so the decision was made to build two cities near the EU border where supply lines were easy on a large ferrite ore deposit near the city of Wroclaw in Northern Poland. The Poland Association city was to be named after the German translation for the city name: Breslau and the Ukrainian one, Odessa.

The project was completed and operated independently as an Association territory and in Khabatov's personal inspection he was very impressed at the incredible healthiness of citizens even compared to Eurasian citizens and the stringent security. When in 2042 the Association removed the US government despite the chaos the resources of the PCoC were sufficient to establish the events. The Association relationship with the Confederation cooled and further projects deeper into Eurasian territory were cancelled, Breslau remained operational and was allowed to be completed but further expansion met a stonewall. Association technologies are nearly 30 years ahead of Eurasian ones which are 10 years ahead of that expected for the year, possibly due to this or just general anger there are periodic assaults on various Association cities in Europe and Breslau though these cannot be easily traced to the Confederation and some may not be by them.

An interesting factor of the People's Confederation of Eurasia is their operating political system. Khabatov is well known to believe in the successes of the Czarist regime and yet under his period as a lieutenant with Estamev he was provided with deep insight into Socialist and Marxist leanings. The Eurasian regime bears a startling resemblance to the ideals of a fascist regime, though this is played down for the obvious associations that are made by modern civilian populations. Excluding the oppressive characteristics it is not unreasonable to classify the People's Confederation of Eurasia as a fascist dictatorship with socialist asides, a claim refuted by PCoE leadership for historical reasons. The well publicised aid operation to Rubble settlements and Anastas’ tendency to try and provide for his citizens as much as possible. On the other hand Anastas believes strongly in the ideal that a nation must be ruled by a strong and intelligent leadership that are not subservient to citizens who do not have the capacity to comprehend the fates they control. Stability, in his mind, can only be achieved through a government that remains in operation for many decades and is supported heavily by an integrated military which the leadership must represent. There is also a suggestion that inspiration may have been drawn from the systems of Imperial Rome and Pre-Alexander Macedon, in terms of the dictatorial operation of state and the noticeable treatment of soldiers after retirement with provision of property and sustenance as additional benefit to standard retirement. Due to the prevalence of viruses and bacteria (due to the Apollyon effect) and the damage to the immune system by both Tamefyllon (to a lesser state with anti-biotic provision) and the Apollyon itself it is rare for the military service of 30 years to be survived. Mandatory conscription is from the age of 18-27 with reservist service from 18-50 however it is rare for citizens to survive beyond the age of 48.

Due to this it is a critical requirement that the heir to the state has the traits of patriotism and intelligence required to rule justly for a great length of time, it is understandable that Khabatov's search for an heir has so far been fruitless.

The People's Confederation of Eurasia, thanks to the splitting of China, is as of modern times the largest land military on the planet (though the MET may have an equal or larger force including slave troops). They have an enigmatic and motivated leadership that is public (in contrary to the powerful Association leaders who are equal but shrouded in secrecy) and open practices that at the top level at least are in existence for the benefit of the people. However the future of the PCoE is uncertain and there are multiple factions watching the giant to see whether the next few years will bring weakness. The Association however, unknown to the rest of the world, are driven by their charter and running out of time. A confrontation of some form is on the horizon for the People's Confederation of Eurasia.


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