1.0 Feature Selection
The submission must be HIGH QUALITY. We want to promote the best our site has to offer. Do not feature submissions that were just taken from another site and edited in some way. Like moderation, you cannot feature your own content submissions (maps, skins etc). Have another feature moderator determine its worth.
1.1 Titles and Descriptions
Titles should be kept short and interesting (30 Characters MAX). Descriptions should not exceed 3 lines, sometimes less is more. Do not use vile or other wise inappropriate words for the title or descriptions I.E (cursing, "kill", mutilate, etc).
1.2 Feature Lifetime
The length of time a feature should be active are as follows:
- News - 1 to 2 Days
- Reviews - 1 to 2 Weeks.
- Articles - 1 to 2 Weeks.
- Contests - Length of Contest.
- -> Contest Winners - 3 Days Max.
- Submissions - 3 to 5 Days.
- Official site content/events as per admin.
1.3 Feature URL's
To track feature effectiveness, Bitly links are to be used. See Logan Dougall for account access.