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    1.0 Illegal Submissions

    Submissions (including torrents) that can be used for illegal actions are strictly forbidden.

    1.1 Application Homepage

    In order to prove that the application is not illegal, a link to the application's homepage must be provided. If the application is created by an GB member, a link is not required.

    1.2 Application Author(s)

    98% of the Applications that are submitted to GB are copyrighted material. In order to keep GB safe and out of any problems, the correct authors must be added to the author(s) field.

    1.2.1 Did you create the submission?

    If you are a person directly involved in the making of the submission, then check "Yes". If you simply converted a picture, are redistributing the item, or are submitting the item for someone else, then you would check "No".

    1.3 Relevance

    All submitted tools must be relevant to GB or the games it supports. Relevance will be determined by the admins and moderators of this site.

    1.4 Is this a studio submission?

    If you are the member of a studio, and wish to make this submission a studio submission, use the pull down menu to find your studio's name. If you wish to keep the submission out of any studio, leave the selector on "Independent Release". Do not put any submissions under a studio that were not made by any member of the studio.

    1.5 Screenshots

    Screenshots are always required when submitting a tool. People want to see what the tool looks like before they try to download it, so a screenshot of the tool in action is always necessary.

    1.6 Application Description

    When submitting a tool, there is a field called "Application Features/Details", this field should be used to provide a short description of the tool, what it does, and maybe some notes from the authors.

    1.7 Archive

    This is the file that people will download from the site. Please be sure to include any necessary files, as well as other related items you choose to include. Related items may include, but are not limited to, screenshots, installation instructions, and author's notes.

    1.8 Non-Compliance

    Non-compliance with any of the above clauses, unless otherwise noted, will result in your submission being withheld or deleted at the administrator's discretion.

    If you are having trouble understanding any of these rules, please contact a moderator or administrator before submitting. To view a list of moderators and administrators, head over to this page.

    5 years ago 0 posts 2,675 views


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