FYI: Hammer entity leaks.

Hi! (Maybe you already knew that, but for amateurs:) There's something I had to share with all of you, developers. When you are compiling a map you will probably find the Entity (x)-999 -999 999 leaked! However this is due to an entity that notices a void in the map. But, even fixing it by covering the map completely by an skybox, you can see the Point File, going trough walls or even the skybox. (What the..?) This is a common problem on very huge maps. So huge that the camera can't render all the spots of the map and that results on a leak. If you compile the map while you are on the other side of it, you will find that an entity (At the other side of the map) leaks a void. But when you locate that entity you find no issue. How to solve this? Easy! Stop putting No-Draw walls or Hints, or portals! Just go to Tools > Options > 3d View > And increase to Max. the render distance, and compile your huge map in the middle of it. No more leaks!

That's something I had to say because it solved a lot of work by leaks on entities. Sorry if you already knew that... :/



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