General Timeline

Not yet re-written to denote name changes

2012 (Early) - Science crisis. 19 US laboratory companies threatened with closure

  • NFA expand purchasing homey laboratories after request by Government for private investors, likely motivated by government ties

2013 - Nathan Field Associated Enterprises gains contract for construction of holding facilities following extended guerrilla conflict in Iran.

2014 (Early) - First confirmed case of Apollyon virus

2015 - Heckler and Koch merge with Ruger

2015 (Late) - Eurocopter bailout Bell helicopters after severe losses coming through from 2012 science crisis.

2016 - Researchers declare need for international border closing, claims ignored. Apollyon present on every continent but due to inability to discern mechanism diagnosis of presence is not achieved conclusively until 2019

  • BAE Systems engage a hostile takeover of Northrop Grumman; these are the first inklings of the UGDT large scale power.

2017 (Late) - McDonnell Douglas purchased by General Electric. General Electric (who in turn are controlled by General Dynamic) exploits market share to help advance McDonnell Douglas products by cutting support to competitors

2018 - Alien Arrival in orbit, initial attempts to board but atmospheric craft unable to reach sufficient altitude

2018 (Late) - Loss of large swathes of global communications as low-middle altitude satellites fall to earth, attributed to Alien arrival

  • EADS form secret cartel with BAE systems. Plan set out to achieve production monopoly in Europe for all military affairs and US to follow. Military contractor divisions opened

2019 (Early) - Christopher Howard, a 30 year old English man, disappears from Portsmouth, Britain.

  • Daimler Aerospace closes, much of production facilities sold via the EU military to private contractors. Aerospatiale leadership join UGDT

2019 (Late) - Apollyon confirmed on every continent

  • WHO Forms IMSSI with large funding as independent company to try and woo industrial scientists with higher pay and prospects

  • People's Republic of China declare war on the Russian Federation

2020 (Early) - Apollyon declared Pandemic. (Classified A5H2) Multinational efforts at cure.

  • Nathan Field Associated Enterprises merges with multiple construction companies after success in Iran contracts and conclusion of occupation. - Renamed Field Construction Association

2020 (Late) - Apollyon side effects showing in new children. Lewis and Knackerson study confirms external cell assault mechanism

  • Middle East Trading Group formed by Saudi Oil Barons to protect interests in growing transport difficulty

2021 (Early) - Association owned Areva Nuclear has its technology licensed to the UGDT with future developments obligated to be returned

2021 (Late) - Apollyon side effects noticed in adults. Census confirms presence in 99.8% of population. Quarantines launched multinationally.

  • IMSSI study: Erroneous compounds in transport streams of infected individuals

  • Andrew Richard writes "Fraternitas Telluris, a philosophy for the modern soul"

2022 (Early) - Apollyon alpha cure shows early promise. Slows virus activity in 60% of cases

  • IMSSI study on molecular manipulation

  • General Dynamics joins cartel with Eurofighter GmbH. General Dynamics use ownership of General Electric to raise prominence in UGDT however Euro-group retain major powers

2022 (Late) - After early success in beta trials, Alpha cure proves ineffective.

  • Russia invades previous USSR countries. International anger.

  • IMSSI modification on molecule study detects 99% confidence that the Earth atmosphere contains, on average, 10 Apollyon molecules per million (PPM)

  • Group of Chinese generals use forces under their control and Russian nationals to seize control of the Chinese mountain regions and northern cities

2023 (Early) - Conglomeration of companies forced to reveal control and companies not agreeing in the cartel have their stocks plummeted. Renamed Union Defence Technologies.

  • The People's Confederation of Eurasia and People's Confederation of China formed

2023 (Late) - Widespread rioting across multiple nations. Martial Law Declared in Germany, Switzerland, Sweden.

2024 (Early) - Martial law declared in 18 nations. - US controversially instruct law officers to shoot "dangerously mutated" Apollyon victims on site.

  • Continued IMSSI studies show that the percentage of global population with even minor Apollyon infection is quickly approaching 100%. Cell Saturation investigations show natural resistance unlikely but possible. Large scale mutations much less rare.

2024 (Late) - US Quarantine project cancelled, proved completely ineffective in preventing infection.

  • Apollyon shown to be passed on through all cell excretions including air, faeces and dead skin.

  • Colt majority stake sold to Union Defence Technologies. 38% holding.

2025 (Early) - Curfew Declared in Certain US cities

  • FHA proposes Project Lockdown to Congress.

2025 (Late) - UGDT wins weapon supply contract to EU. 48 Nations in state of Martial law. News of horrible crimes against mutated in China and Russia.

  • After a tour of the world Howard returns to Britain and appoints himself "Didact of the Astrae"

  • A bible-like "Compendium of the Astrae" and church-like "Order of Astraeos" are established officialising the faith

2026 (Early) - People's Confederation of Eurasia invade Ukraine and Georgia, multiple similar invasions follow

2026 (Late) - Marshall law declared in United States - US Military forces forced to enter law enforcement operations

  • FHA Begin construction upon Project Lockdown under a new parent company the Atlantic Research and Infrastructure Association

2027 (Early) - MET exploits martial law in Dubai. Members of royalty spearhead civil war.

  • Union Defence Technologies renamed to Union Global Defence Technologies after officially winning European Union law keeping rights

2027 (Late) - MET Victory in Dubai.

2028 (Early) - UGDT receive permission to setup independent military complexes throughout European Union.

  • After invading Venezuela a Brazilian invasion of Columbia is grounded by Bolivian assistance. The Bolivarian Republic drives Brazilian forces out of Venezuela and a 20 year war begins between the Bolivarian Republic and Brazilian Federation. No end is in sight but this is one of the UGDTs most profitable ventures supplying to both sides

2028 (Late) - ARIA complete Project Lockdown. Small controlled Township accepts civilian applicants. Trial Period begins.

  • An official headquarters is founded in London with a second in Dubai responsible for separate (breaking western links) operations in Eastern nations

2029 (Early) - UGDT win contract for security of IMSSI compounds. Compounds based primarily in Mid Europe.

  • MET invades Northern African nations, little discrimination shown for national boundaries.

2030 (Early) - ARIA publish results of Tamefyllon Trials. Begin talks with IMSSI for mass production.

2031 (Early) - UGDT win contract for weapons production in US military of their 3rd Generation Weapons range.

2031 (Late) - Production begins on First Association city - Antiphonie.

2032 (Early) - MET using political mastery accept into their ranks 3 princes of Saudi Arabia. Assault launched upon royal palace.

2032 (Late) - United States of America Declare war upon Iran to secure oil routes.

  • South Africa forms treaty with MET preventing invasion. In return South Africa leaves the African League. Rest of African nations fall quickly to MET invasion.

MET begins agricultural use of the lands

2033 (Early) - France, Germany and Spain close sea borders to Britain due to heavy immigration. Possible causes highly supportive NHS despite brutal martial law and heavy curfews.

2033 (Late) - US Troops occupy non-MET Eastern nations with little trouble and secure oil routes. Tensions with MET

  • IMSSI form deals with MET to produce a Tamefyllon -like compound designed for crop use. Allows for impressive crop production past Apollyon effects

2034 (Early) - IMSSI begin mass production of Tamefyllon. Distribution handled at Association headquarters at Antiphonie.

2035 (Early) - Antiphonie virtually completed. Opens for Civilian Entrants.

  • Construction begins on 3 more cities, heavy government subsidy.

  • ARIA request ability to hire US military troops to secure walls. Up until this point US troops required. ARIA cites corporate efficiency.

2035 (Late) - ARIA denied access to troops

  • MET now largest Oil company in the world - Begin expanding into food industries.

2036 (Early) - WHO publish study on Tamefyllon side effects. Notes on dosage for occupations where strength is still required. Overdose noted as easily common and possibly deadly.

  • Eurasians form an Alliance with the MET with the MET supplying food and oil to the People's Confederation

2036 (Late) - Antiphonie proves extremely successful. - ARIA lobbies for 4 more cities - ARIA make strong progress towards influence of government officials

  • UGDT purchases the failing Lockheed Martin. Heavy changes to company functionality and large scale efficiency improvements.

2037 (Late) - UGDT win contract for upgrade and maintenance of current F-37 stock originally produced by the now closed BAE Systems

2038 (Early) - Association city of Sandenhauser revealed in Germany. Media upon closer examination identify similar projects being restarted in Great Britain, nearing completion in France and midway in Spain.

2038 (Late) - Landmark treaty. From months of talks between US and Confederation officials an agreement is formed. With US Support and Confederation approval construction begins in Eastern Europe on two cities.

  • The 1st city is named Breslau after the nearby city of Wroclaw. The location is chosen because of particularly rich iron ore content. It is marked as a mining city.

  • The 2nd city is named Odessa after the nearby city of Odessa. The location is chosen due to its strong naval ties allowing Mediterranean access.

2039 (Early) - MET demand payment for the favour of preferential supply and require the development of a deal. Eastern European nations under Eurasian control now open slaving grounds for MET

2040 (Early) - Association announce major reconstruction projects. Externally produced nuclear reactors are placed at the centre of cities. The construction is modular and completed off-site to ensure safety and quality.

  • IMSSI aggressively pursues treaties of non-combatance. UGDT and ARIA troops sign agreements to provide defensive forces. Confederation troops quick to follow to ensure supplies of Tamefyllon continue.

  • With falling US support Israeli position weakens. MET nations invade Israel and correctly find the US unwilling to assist. Shared victory helps to bring more of the Middle East to the MET including the now US-free Iran

2041 (Early) - UGDT win contract for next generation US strike fighter production. Lockheed-Martin production facilities primarily used, Boeing responsible for minor part production.

2041 (Late) - IMSSI reach Tamefyllon production capacity of 80% success rate. Total production reaches capacity to produce 48million units (1 unit sufficient for a single person for 2 months) after Association supply + Excess Stockpiling.

2042 (Early) – US Collapse

2042 (Late) - The US is in states of ruin.

  • Association release territorial treaty. Statement upon territorial control of city areas and surrounding lands.

  • Confederation agrees to continued completion of Breslau project however deny further access to Eurasian territories. Agree Breslau will operate as a sovereign territory

2043 (Early) - UGDT forces in Western Europe expand strength and remove government of Spain due to Socialist leanings.

2044 (Early) - Construction of Breslau completed - City Populated from nearby wastelands

2044 (Late) - Construction of Odessa completed - City populated from nearby Rubble settlements

2045 (Late) - Plague strikes Breslau. Walls set into lockdown. Supplies of Tamefyllon cut off, rioting in city sectors localised.

  • Administrator Stevens declares lockdown and purge protocol. 4 districts compromised.

-Band of Rubble form together approx.24 miles from Odessa

  • Begin.


None found
