Fashonita's Blade Therapy

I can't let a SPY of fabulosity go uncorrected!

I thought I would lay off DJ-PON3 related stuff for a bit.

So here's a Rarity themed skin.

(What is this place, filled with Rarity reskinsss~)

The hardest part of skin, honestly is the diamonds, I was trying to re-vector Rarity's cutie mark, engrave it, and find the right shade for teal on metal.

(The glowing was not even a problem)

Readme is magic! Remember 'bout those

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  • DJPON3's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 2,040
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      Account Age: 5 months

    Posted by JujuBean

    Hawkshadow741 NR.2 is born.

    User Title
    Sound Modder Hobbyist
  • JujuBean's Levels
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      Account Age: 6 months

    Posted by DJPON3

    Posted by Zombie_hell

    Posted by DJPON3

    I say ol' chap, my love will never die.

    I honestly want opinions on all of my skins, so I released them individually, but a pack would do for the similar looking stuff (DJ-PON3 skins spams)

    (And my reskins were inspired off MLP, not related, unless if it had part of a pony on it.)

    you are quite new around here , but if you don't know pony skins were rejected by many users of the site as spam because they are mostly recolrs and done in a poor maner (even if the skins were good . haters were rejecting them because of the pony related theme). every time when a new pony skin was submited a freak show begun for 24 h on that submision. until admins decided that those fights were ruining these site so rules becomed a littel bit tougher. ( last 4 month GB history )

    since then pony skins got better in my opinion

    i am saying this to you because you submit skins at very short time from one to each other and it's quite spamy if you understand. it's nice that you are active and creative and you want to know every opinion of you'r skins , that's OK , i have nothink against you and many others as well , but you will become "Hawkshadow741 NR.2" ..and the idea of haveing 2 of HAWKS scares me , besides he is more in the gold/silver/tron/apeture skins rather then your WUB pony skins and as i said pony skins tend to cause tension because of the BRONY <> HATERS fight

    All i can tell you it's to keep up the good work and spend a bit more time on your skins ...

    NOPE, glowing is as far as I'm going to go.

    and for some reason the black and (Insert other colors here) were the only ones that got good feedback.


    I'd try to look back at Touhou/Homestuck reskins I made, and I never decided to upload them because the look HORRIBLE

    Hawkshadow741 NR.2 is born.

    That Guy With The Wristband
  • DJPON3's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 2,040
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      Account Age: 5 months

    Posted by Zombie_hell

    Posted by DJPON3

    I say ol' chap, my love will never die.

    I honestly want opinions on all of my skins, so I released them individually, but a pack would do for the similar looking stuff (DJ-PON3 skins spams)

    (And my reskins were inspired off MLP, not related, unless if it had part of a pony on it.)

    you are quite new around here , but if you don't know pony skins were rejected by many users of the site as spam because they are mostly recolrs and done in a poor maner (even if the skins were good . haters were rejecting them because of the pony related theme). every time when a new pony skin was submited a freak show begun for 24 h on that submision. until admins decided that those fights were ruining these site so rules becomed a littel bit tougher. ( last 4 month GB history )

    since then pony skins got better in my opinion

    i am saying this to you because you submit skins at very short time from one to each other and it's quite spamy if you understand. it's nice that you are active and creative and you want to know every opinion of you'r skins , that's OK , i have nothink against you and many others as well , but you will become "Hawkshadow741 NR.2" ..and the idea of haveing 2 of HAWKS scares me , besides he is more in the gold/silver/tron/apeture skins rather then your WUB pony skins and as i said pony skins tend to cause tension because of the BRONY <> HATERS fight

    All i can tell you it's to keep up the good work and spend a bit more time on your skins ...

    NOPE, glowing is as far as I'm going to go.

    and for some reason the black and (Insert other colors here) were the only ones that got good feedback.


    I'd try to look back at Touhou/Homestuck reskins I made, and I never decided to upload them because the look HORRIBLE

    User Title
    Sound Modder Hobbyist
  • Zombie_hell's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 2,144
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    • A3: Apprentice
      Account Age: 1 year

    Posted by DJPON3

    I say ol' chap, my love will never die.

    I honestly want opinions on all of my skins, so I released them individually, but a pack would do for the similar looking stuff (DJ-PON3 skins spams)

    (And my reskins were inspired off MLP, not related, unless if it had part of a pony on it.)

    you are quite new around here , but if you don't know pony skins were rejected by many users of the site as spam because they are mostly recolrs and done in a poor maner (even if the skins were good . haters were rejecting them because of the pony related theme). every time when a new pony skin was submited a freak show begun for 24 h on that submision. until admins decided that those fights were ruining these site so rules becomed a littel bit tougher. ( last 4 month GB history )

    since then pony skins got better in my opinion

    i am saying this to you because you submit skins at very short time from one to each other and it's quite spamy if you understand. it's nice that you are active and creative and you want to know every opinion of you'r skins , that's OK , i have nothink against you and many others as well , but you will become "Hawkshadow741 NR.2" ..and the idea of haveing 2 of HAWKS scares me , besides he is more in the gold/silver/tron/apeture skins rather then your WUB pony skins and as i said pony skins tend to cause tension because of the BRONY <> HATERS fight

    All i can tell you it's to keep up the good work and spend a bit more time on your skins ...

    User Title
    I hate everyone...
  • MentulMaet's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
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      Account Age: 3 years

    Posted by DJPON3

    Posted by Hawkshadow741

    Posted by Zombie_hell

    Posted by MentulMaet

    MLP-related skin spam? Just what we needed here, I'm sure.

    don't worry he will stop eventually , even Hawkshadow741 take s a break sometimes (no offense)

    *sips tea* Yes, quite right

    Like a boss

    I say ol' chap, my love will never die.

    I honestly want opinions on all of my skins, so I released them individually, but a pack would do for the similar looking stuff (DJ-PON3 skins spams)

    (And my reskins were inspired off MLP, not related, unless if it had part of a pony on it.)

    Would be amazing if you'd find inspiration somewhere else.

  • Genuine-Azelf.'s Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 676
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      Account Age: 3 years

    Rarity is best pony in my opinion. Nice to see you doing different ponies rather than yourself (my comment was never supposed to be offensive, just letting you know).

    Gets hugged by all the ponies.
  • DJPON3's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 2,040
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      Account Age: 5 months

    Posted by Hawkshadow741

    Posted by Zombie_hell

    Posted by MentulMaet

    MLP-related skin spam? Just what we needed here, I'm sure.

    don't worry he will stop eventually , even Hawkshadow741 take s a break sometimes (no offense)

    *sips tea* Yes, quite right

    Like a boss

    I say ol' chap, my love will never die.

    I honestly want opinions on all of my skins, so I released them individually, but a pack would do for the similar looking stuff (DJ-PON3 skins spams)

    (And my reskins were inspired off MLP, not related, unless if it had part of a pony on it.)

    User Title
    Sound Modder Hobbyist
  • Hawkshadow741's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 183
    • C1: Member
    • A4: Graduate
      Account Age: 3 years

    Posted by Zombie_hell

    Posted by MentulMaet

    MLP-related skin spam? Just what we needed here, I'm sure.

    don't worry he will stop eventually , even Hawkshadow741 take s a break sometimes (no offense)

    *sips tea* Yes, quite right

    Like a boss

    • Funny x 2
    • Agree x 1
    • Win x 1
  • Zombie_hell's Levels
    • P2: Drudge
      Points: 2,144
    • C1: Member
    • A3: Apprentice
      Account Age: 1 year

    Posted by MentulMaet

    MLP-related skin spam? Just what we needed here, I'm sure.

    don't worry he will stop eventualy , even Hawkshadow741 take's a break sometimes (no offense)

    User Title
    I hate everyone...
  • MentulMaet's Levels
    • P1: Beggar
      Points: 308
    • C1: Member
    • A4: Graduate
      Account Age: 3 years

    MLP-related skin spam? Just what we needed here, I'm sure.



DJPON3's Levels
  • P2: Drudge
    Points: 2,040
  • C1: Member
  • A1: Lollipop
    Account Age: 5 months
DJPON3 (Creator/Co-creator)
Original Textures
My Little Pony


Based off 7 rating(s)

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Model Class
Default Model
Texture Class
Custom Texture


Post Count
Date Added
18 hours ago
Date Modified
18 hours ago




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