Bhop script maded for hl2:dm
Bhop script maded by Doubl3k. Beta version. bind "p" "exec bhop" alias "bhop1" "bhop_on;bhop_jump" alias "bhop2" "bhop_off;-jump" alias "bhop_jump" "+jump;wait;wait;-jump;wait;wait;+jump;wait;wait;-jump;wait;wait;bhoploop" alias "bhop_on" "alias bhoploop bhop_jump" alias "bhop_off" "alias bhoploop" alias "do_bhop" "bind space bhop1;bind f2 undo_bhop" alias "undo_bhop" "bind space +jump;bind f1 do_bhop" bind "space" "do_bhop"
For who don't know what is bhop or bunny-hop is a technique that you can repeatly jump in a way that you go more fast than running or walking,so i did a bhop script that also works for Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike Source.
Lemme explain how to do....
Go to your Steam/Steamapps/(Your-Account)/Half-Life 2 Deathmatch/hl2mp/cfg/
The paste must have the config.cfg and server_blacklist.txt right? Right click on paste,and create a .txt file that you will see up here,and after you put that code in it,save the file and rename as autoexec.cfg (remember! it's not autoexec.cfg.txt,it's autoexec.cfg);The autoexec file means auto-executer.cfg that if you put a code there that don't need use sv _ cheats 1 you can play on any server with it.How to activate:
Extremely simple,i did a way that anyone can get,what you just need do is that:
1-Start walking (W key)
2-Keep the spacebar pressed (the script i did is that when you keep the spacebar pressed,you can jump without stop,so it's just you walk,and press the spacebar that you will bhop,to make a consistency bhop i high recommend that you run first {don't need that you keep the shift pressed,just press a little and let it}
and then after you jump,crouch and hold the spacebar to do a good bhop).I hope that i explained on best way,enjoy.