[=tss=] The Stealth Scouts, +[tts]+ The Terrible Snipers, "LS" Lucky Spies. Good for TF2 :D

User Title
They're waiting for you Gordon [=tss=] The Stealth Scouts, +[tts]+ The Terrible Snipers, "LS" Lucky Spies. Good for TF2 :D
-==TaV==- The Agile Vipers
(tfp.) The Frantic Pancakes , Okay LooooL
-=TAR.=- The Angry Rays
fuck yea
I Got The Vicious Snipers...
TCM | try catch me
|@tsc| The Slimy Cats.......hmm
-=fm.=- Fluffy Manbabies o0 Okaaaaay :D
"TsD^" The Sexy Donkeys Great!