A few weeks ago I had the chance to interview Teh Snake. Unfortunately I was unable to submit it right away due to updates on the website and such, in which I apologize. The next Legend will be coming soon. An official date will be posted on the Legends Thread. Enjoy the read.
Hello Snake, and congrats on becoming an FPSB Legend. Your contributions to the community have made us all glad you're with us. How did you get started on modeling and texturing?
Hi Eagle! I'm very excited to be here talking with you. I joined the site about 7 years ago, when I was in high school. I had been playing Counter Strike at the time and discovered the ability to mod the game with any types of weapons you like. I used to look at a lot of sites containing cool skins with those fancy Condition Zero arms I used to love so much. The site was young, but still, there were countless well made skins and masterpieces made by such great artists like THor, Sixshooter, Ankalar, etc. It was so exciting to look for a next skin replacement for each CS weapon, player, etc., but I was even more excited when I realized that site commmunity makes those skins every day and submit them here. It was a real goldmine for a typical CS player I must say, and of course, I wanted to try at this too and kept spamming the site with idiotic recolors, experiments, and just skins which were made for fun which were eventually trashed.
I was really raging like a six years old kid when they were trashed, but I kept practicing and discovering new techniques. I learned how to hack models, then learned modeling on my own, and kept practicing and submitting, reading critics (Honestly it was really hard for me to accept criticism back then). I kept trying to improve again and again. So it was quite an infinite loop of trial and error. What drived me? It could have been a number of things; maybe I wanted to get community's respect, or may be that egoistic desire to be the best of the best, or something else. I can't say what it was for sure, but what I can say is that I love doing this now - to make them for people and to make the site better and more attractable to new members who might eventually end up as another awesome artists.
You said you had a lot of insperation from members of the website. Were there any that had helped you in the proccess or mentored you?
Honestly, I felt like a small child working on a cargo ship among huge sailor guys who were ready to hit me if I do something wrong. I had to learn everything on my own just by watching other sailors(3D Artists) doing this and that. Asking someone for help wasn't an option. Most likely it's was just me, I know it was never like that on the site. There were several marvelous CSB artists back then like Kimono, Millenia, El Maestro de Graffiti, and Racer445 - they all were making their skins, and I was always too shy to ask them for help or advice. I just watched their work, trying to make my skins look similar.
If I would be more self assured back then - it would take less time for me to reach the position I have now. Millenia has always been my hero, and he still is. I still keep watching him submitting his skins and steal a few techniques and tricks. Hope he dont mind :P. People who did help me later were my studiomates - everyone shared what they knew and so was I. Colaboration is the best way to improve in my opinion.
Speaking of your studio, it is ranked 2nd of all of the studios in Gamebanana. How does it feel, having a studio of that rank? Are you looking to get to number 1?
Well honestly, all of those ranks have a bad effect on your ego, and eventually I ended up pretty selfish, and unfair; too high about myself and my studio. The only reason we're ranked 2nd (I assume we're going to be ranked 1st soon) is because other great studios like Avenger Corp. and Damage Inc. have stoped being active these days, and 586 is filled with enthusiastic guys who keep working hard on their skins and improve their skills. Even harder than me, and I'm really proud of few of them, watching how they grow with each new WiP of theirs. I'm not going to name the individuals,but I'm sure they know who I want to mention here. I wish it was far harder and there was fair competition among studios. Being the only huge ship in the ocean doesn't mean we're the best.
Is there a skin that we will be seeing soon, perhaps a WiP you have?
I have about 10 to 12 models I've made which beg for their textures, but I can hardly find time for skinning these days: job and family takes most of my time. I may return after a few years and finish what I've started. Since Valve announced their CS:GO and rumors and said that it will be as moddable as CS:S, I place big bets on the new engine to present my latest skins at their best. Spoiling some light on my temporary abandoned skins factory; I plan to release the following weapons for CS GO:
- Colt Peacemaker
- Makarov
- Zastava M70 Pistol
- Quake 3 Rocket Launcher
- Stun Grenade
- and a few others
You said that you had to learn on your own how to texture and model. Are we going to see any tutorials submitted by you soon?
Reading tutorials from time to time doesn't count as learning on your own. There are wonderful tutorials from Millenia and Racer445 which explain every step and spill the forbidden juice which other artists prefer to keep at secret. I don't feel like I want to fill Gamebanana with another tutorial. I'd rather fill it with another good skin of mine.
Do you plan on, or are you going to go to college for 3D Art?
A. I am currently finishing the final 6th year of my education in graphic design at a university. I already work at gaming company, but making lowpoly models for Iphone games doesnt seems to fulfill my thirst for tasty detailed 3d Art, so I plan on moving to a foreign gaming making company in the near future to make my dreams come true.
What advice do you have for up-and-coming 3D Artists?
Colaborate! Work together - your friend will notice your mistakes and will motivate you to make things better, as will you! Dont stay single. Game creation, as well as skinning is a team business, I would never win any FPSB contest if my studiomates didn't assist me. Much love goes to 586 folks <3.
Thank you Snake for your time. Is there anything you would like to mention to the community(or perhaps advertise something :P)?
Nothing special. I would just like to say that I love the site and the community. Thank you as well, Eagle.