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Can i use this with my mod Codename:JMOD I would like you to contact me at Crysisking_ownage922@hotmail.com and wanna know if i can modify it aswell. You will be fully credited.
Thanks, but recently I formatted my PC :D
Pros: Showing off some interesting game play....
The maps overall theme is simple and nice. Having dev textures as the majority of the map is yet again nice. People have a tend to rate DEV style maps low but I'm not one. The maps game play is pretty great giving both teams a chance to run and gun then get shot down. The water choice for the map is excellent, one of my favorite textures, nice. The sky is simple giving the player a view of whats going on and is nice to look at. The ladder placements are a nice touch giving the map some more opportunity than a one floor frag and brag. It's a simple but nice map. Hope you keep up the good work.:D
Edite: Nice touch towards HDR and cubemaps added. Improvements:
Done ^^
You should swap the screenshot positions. When I saw the preview-screenshot this map looked very bad. But it seems like you used HDR and stuff, nice looking.