I need help with my skins
By TheVeiga 21 hours agogalera tive um problema com o tamanho dos skins que baixei no jogo aparece escrito que o tamanho excede o limite entao estou aqui para saber se tem algum jeito rapido para resolver isso e usar meus skins baixados do CSS
a me desculpe pelos erros de ingles mas tentei faser o melhor para que podessem me compreender !!!
these are the skins I downloaded but as you can see it was not possible because putting them execedeu the "max min (2343465476214123)" ago appeared so kind written
if they can help me or even change the 4 skins ready for you to download. I would be very grateful!! I do not know why even mess with the configurations of it
Guerrila: http://gamebanana.com/css/skins/85231 Terror: http://gamebanana.com/css/skins/2315 L33t: http://gamebanana.com/css/skins/89190 Arctic: http://gamebanana.com/css/skins/35785