Back To Classic.I choosed this title because,i like the old cs:s,with valve skins and animations,that's why i call it classic,because of the defaults.So what i did here,is my version of the VALVe guns,so my inspiration was pick the default guns and try to make a font looking alike,so in this pack you will saw the same VALVe font guns,but on my style.Hey,there is no custon fonts here! you will still saw the Ak-47,the M4A1,the Deagle and other VALVe defaults. So what is on this pack:
-My fonts based on the classic guns.
-My buy menu names fixed.
So please enjoy,subscribe and vote as spriter of the month!
EDIT: 22/10/2012
I recently got the news of my friend that the Aug is in the place of the M4A1 and vice versa,it's aready fixed,RE-DOWNLOAD PLEASE!.Thank you.