This is my improved version of Battlefield 3 muzzle flash. I have added more color and red glow effect. There's no more muzzle flash replacement for pistols/smgs/shotguns/sniper rifles, since it didn't work properly for them. Enjoy!
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Posted by Chesterfield
Great muzze flash, i have a question, how to make it work for all guns? for example, the UMP4 have the deffault muzze, same as the Uzi and other guns.
Is there any way to make it work for all guns? Thanks in advance.
I tried with the first release but it was a big fail and I was the most criticized for it. You can download the first version to see how bad it looked.
Great muzze flash, i have a question, how to make it work for all guns? for example, the UMP4 have the deffault muzze, same as the Uzi and other guns.
Is there any way to make it work for all guns? Thanks in advance.
Posted by MaxTheUniqueGamer
Posted by Xhikku
Excellent work...10/10! May I have permission to port this for Counter-Strike 1.6 ?
Yes, just credit me.
Forget it...I can't make it! The smoke comes yellow, like flash, and everything is fucked up! I can't compile it with white smoke!
Posted by Xhikku
Excellent work...10/10! May I have permission to port this for Counter-Strike 1.6 ?
Yes, just credit me.
Excellent work...10/10! May I have permission to port this for Counter-Strike 1.6 ?
Very nice! 10/10