New Phonged CT_URBAN for CSS
Extract the ct_urban folder to counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\models\player/
-Normal map from Gay Messiah
-New helmet, kevlar back and some minor fixes of the normal map by Recongr. Also fixed the "squared pattern" effect created by the DXT compression of the Gay Messiah normal map
-Normal map alpha by Recongr
-Exponent map (Quite simple, some minor details such as scratches and face)
-New Base Texture by Recongr & Valve. Features: ·new dark blue kevlar vest ·new dark blue helmet recolor ·removed FAKE PHONG ·a couple of fixes/recolors ·new lighten belt
You can compare it with the default one in the included texture screenshots.
Downloaded from If not, report it.
If you thing that the phong is too shiny looking at it IN-GAME, just open CT_URBAN.VMT and edit the line:
"$phongboost" "2.3"
"$phongboost" "2"
"$phongboost" "1.4"
or lower.