counter-strike source config pack by hedo 2.7
please download all file, only work so!!! DOWNLOAD: that no all: echo "*" echo "**" echo "***" echo "****" echo "*****" echo "******" echo "*START*" echo "********" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "--------------------Loading...-------------------------" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" rate "35000" cl_cmdrate "66" cl_updaterate "66" cl_interp_npcs "0" cl_interp "0.044" cl_interp_all "0" cl_interp_ratio "2" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_predictweapons "1" cl_smooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0.01"; cl_pred_optimize "1" fps_max "66.8" r_3dnow "1" r_sse2 "1" mat_hdr_enabled "0" cl_showerror 0 mem_force_flush "0" ai_expression_optimization 0 mat_clipz "0" cl_drawmonitors "0" weapon_showproficiency "1" mat_disable_fancy_blending "1" sv_client_predict "-1" sv_cheats 0 mat_dxlevel 81 con_filter_text "Too many vertex" con_filter_text_out "Too many vertex" con_filter_enable 2 blink_duration 0.5 cl_c4dynamiclight 1 cl_ragdoll_collide "0" mp_flashlight 1 datacachesize 256 mat_forcehardwaresync "0" r_waterforcereflectentities "0" r_WaterDrawReflection "0" r_WaterDrawRefraction "0" cl_disablefreezecam "1" cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" cl_show_achievement_popups "0" cl_cloud_settings "0" //--- echo "Video Settings Changeable In Game Menu: Options/Video/Advanced" r_3dsky "0" // No 3d sky r_shadows "1" // Shadows cl_ejectbrass "0" // Bullet casings cl_phys_props_enable "0" // Enables props cl_phys_props_max "100" // Max # of props, upped this from 50 cl_show_splashes "0" // Water splashes mat_specular "0" // Turned this on, good for seeing guns in dark muzzleflash_light "0" // No muzzle flashes r_cheapwaterend "1" // Not worth changing r_cheapwaterstart "1" // Not worth changing jpeg_quality "100" // Not worth changing //bot mp_autoteambalance 0 mp_limitteams 0 bot_join_after_player 0 //mouse zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.90" m_yaw "0.025" m_pitch "0.022" // models cl_min_t 2 cl_min_ct 2 cl_minmodels 1 //Personal voice_enable "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_autowepswitch "1" cl_autohelp "0" con_enable 1 cl_mouselook "1" cl_showfps "2" cl_showhelp "0" cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" //No ragdoll physics hud_showtargetpos "0" //0 = Center!!! showhitlocation "1" mp_footsteps "1" cl_timeout 30 r_dynamic "0" // default 1; Disables dynamic shadows r_occlusion "0" // default 1; r_shadowmaxrendered "10" // default 32; Only 10 proper shadows will be rendered, rest will be a blur r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0" // default 1; r_lightaverage "0" // default 1; r_worldlights "0" r_worldlightmin "0" r_maxdlights "0" //Crosshair and sens cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_crosshairdot "1" //GUI Sprays ect hud_fastswitch "1" // No click switch cl_radartype "1" // Solid radar cl_radar_locked "0" cl_radaralpha 255 cl_righthand "1" // Right handed mp_decals "300" // Sprays r_decals "2048" // Sprays r_drawmodeldecals 1 r_maxmodeldecal 32 cl_playerspraydisable "0" r_decal_cullsize "5" // The distance (0-15) from which bulletholes are visible. Higher numbers mean a shorter viewing r_spray_lifetime "5" //No download sounds cl_allowdownload "1" cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // Default Commands (resets any junk settings that may exist) // ********************************************************* // cl_rumblescale "1.0" cl_debugrumble "0" cl_team "default" cl_class "default" cl_detail_max_sway "5" cl_detail_avoid_radius "64" cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4" cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25" cc_linger_time "1.0" cc_predisplay_time "0.25" lookspring "0" lookstrafe "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" voice_modenable "1" overview_preferred_mode "1" overview_preferred_view_size "600" hud_classautokill "1" overview_health "1" overview_names "1" overview_tracks "1" overview_locked "1" overview_alpha "1.0" spec_scoreboard "0" cl_spec_mode "3" commentary_firstrun "0" scene_showfaceto "0" ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0" ai_think_limit_label "0" npc_height_adjust "1" sv_pvsskipanimation "1" scene_showlook "0" scene_showmoveto "0" commentary "0" xbox_throttlebias "100" xbox_throttlespoof "200" xbox_autothrottle "1" func_break_max_pieces "15" sv_noclipaccelerate "5" sv_noclipspeed "5" sv_specaccelerate "5" sv_specspeed "3" sv_specnoclip "1" sv_backspeed "0.6" joy_wingmanwarrior_centerhack "0" joy_axisbutton_threshold "0.3" snd_duckerthreshold "0.15" snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5" snd_duckerattacktime "0.5" adsp_debug "0" snd_mixahead "0.1" vprof_warningmsec "10" vprof_unaccounted_limit "0.3" vprof_verbose "1" vprof_graphheight "256" vprof_graphwidth "512" texture_budget_background_alpha "128" texture_budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25" texture_budget_panel_height "284" texture_budget_panel_width "512" texture_budget_panel_y "450" texture_budget_panel_x "0" budget_panel_height "384" budget_panel_width "512" budget_panel_y "50" budget_panel_x "0" budget_background_alpha "128" budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667" budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25" budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667" budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100" budget_show_history "0" budget_show_averages "0" budget_show_peaks "1" budget_averages_window "30" budget_peaks_window "30" budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128" dsp_slow_cpu "0" r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymax "1.5" r_drawmodelstatsoverlaymin "0.1" r_ambientfactor "5" r_ambientmin "0.3" r_ambientboost "1" closecaption "0" /////////////////////////// // ------------ //Binds & Scripts // ------------ bind "-" "+attack" bind "\" "+jump" bind kp_ins "say rank" bind kp_del "say top" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "CTRL" "+duck;" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "CAPSLOCK" "+voicerecord" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "b" "buymenu" bind "c" "radio3" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "drop" bind "MOUSE3" "bu_g" alias "bu_g" "buy hegrenade;use weapon_hegrenade;" bind "h" "bu_f" alias "bu_f" "buy smokegrenade;buy flashbang;buy flashbang;use weapon_flashbang;" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "b_nightvision" bind "l" "exec autoexec" alias b_nightvision "buy nightvision;nightvision;" bind "q" "slot2" bind "r" "+reload" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "c" "radio3" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "radio1" bind "z" "messagemode" bind "F1" "f_1" alias f_1 "say_team !deposit all; retry;" bind "F2" "toggleconsole" bind "F3" "say bet T all" bind "F4" "say bet CT all" bind "F5" "f_5" alias f_5 "say_team timeleft" bind "F6" "say_team votemap" bind "F7" " say_team nominate" bind "F8" f_8 alias f_8 "say !bank; say guns;" bind "F11" "incrementvar volume 0.005 0.150 -0.005;echo *** -Volume ***" bind "F12" "incrementvar volume 0.005 0.150 0.005;echo *** +Volume ***" bind "o" "say settings" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "g" "impulse 100" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "END" "say_team !deposit all" bind "PGUP" "say_team rtv" bind "PGDN" "say ! ! HELLO ! !" bind "Backspace" "say !resetscore" //autobuy, stop reload & ... bind "ALT" "+autobuy" alias +autobuy "autobuy;slot3;" alias -autobuy "slot1;" //DUCKJUMP bind "SPACE" "+djump" alias "+djump" "+jump;+duck;+duck;+duck;" alias "-djump" "+duck;+duck;+duck;-jump;duck_off;" //HOLDFIRE alias holdf_t "holdf_on" alias holdf_on "alias holdf_t holdf_off;+st;echo *** HOLDFIRE ON ***;" alias holdf_off "alias holdf_t holdf_on;-st;echo *** HOLDFIRE OFF ***;" bind "F9" "holdf_t" //HOLD DUCK & FIRE alias hfd_t "hfd_on" alias hfd_on "alias hfd_t hfd_off;+duck;+st;echo *** HOLD DUCK & FIRE ON ***;" alias hfd_off "alias hfd_t hfd_on;-duck;-st;echo *** HOLD DUCK & FIRE OFF ***;" bind "F10" "hfd_t" //HOLDDUCK alias duck_on "+duck;alias duck_t duck_off;" alias duck_off "-duck;alias duck_t duck_on;" alias duck_t "duck_on" bind "v" "duck_t" //Recoil Ctrl cl_pitchspeed 14; alias xlrx " +left;-left;-left; +right;-right; +left;-left;-left; +left;-left;-left; +right;+right;-right; +left;+left;-left;-left; +left;+left;-left;-left; +right;+right;-right; +left;+left;+left;-left;-left; " alias +st "+attack; xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx; xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx; xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx; xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx; xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx;xlrx; -left;-right;" alias -st "-attack;-left;-right;" bind mouse1 +st //PLANTING alias +planting "slot5;+duck;+attack;" alias -planting "-attack;-duck;slot1;" bind "j" "+planting" //Fast Elite alias dualie "dualie_on" alias dualie_on "exec elite.cfg;echo *** Elite ON ***;alias dualie dualie_off;" alias dualie_off "exec normal.cfg;echo *** Elite OFF ***;alias dualie dualie_on;" bind "DEL" "dualie" //CRAZY FLASHLIGHT alias flash "flash_on" alias flash_on "exec flash.cfg;echo *** FLASHLIGHT ON ***;alias flash flash_off;" alias flash_off "exec normal.cfg;echo *** FLASHLIGHT OFF ***;alias flash flash_on;" bind "INS" "flash" //Netgraph alias netg_t "netg_on" alias netg_on "alias netg_t netg_off;net_graph 1;" alias netg_off "alias netg_t netg_on;net_graph 0;" bind "HOME" "netg_t" //BUY SCRIPT// //Submachinguns alias b_mp5 "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy mp5navy; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_p90 "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy p90; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" //Rifles alias b_scout "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy scout; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_fam_gal "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy famas; buy galil; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_ak_colt "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy ak47; buy m4a1; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_sg552_aug "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy sg552; buy aug; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_g3sg1_sg550 "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy g3sg1; buy sg550; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_awp "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy awp; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" //Machinegun alias b_m249 "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy m249; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" //Shotgun alias b_m3 "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy m3; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" alias b_xm "buy vest; buy vesthelm; buy xm1014; buyammo1;buy hegrenade;" bind "kp_end" "b_fam_gal" bind "kp_downarrow" "b_ak_colt" bind "kp_pgdn" "b_sg552_aug" bind kp_leftarrow "b_scout" bind kp_5 "b_awp" bind kp_rightarrow "b_g3sg1_sg550" bind kp_home "b_mp5" bind kp_uparrow "b_p90" bind kp_pgup "b_m249" bind kp_minus "b_m3" bind kp_plus "b_xm" ///////////////////////////// echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "----------------------Keys:----------------------------" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "f:" "drop" echo "g:" "flashlight" echo "h:" "buy smoke;buy & use flashbang" echo "j:" "easy planting" echo "l:" "exec autoexec" echo "v:" "hold duck" echo "MOUSE3:" "buy & use hegranade" echo "SPACE:" "bigjump" echo "ALT:" "autobuy" echo "CAPSLOCK:" "voicerecord" echo "n:" "buy & use nightvision" echo "o:" "say settings" echo "p:" "say session" echo "q:" "pistol" echo "F1:" "deposit all & retry" echo "F3:" "say bet T all" echo "F4:" "say bet CT all" echo "F5:" "say_team timeleft" echo "F6:" "say_team votemap" echo "F7:" "say_team nominate" echo "F8:" "say !bank & say guns" echo "F9:" "HOLD FIRE" echo "F10:" "HOLD DUCK & FIRE" echo "F11:" "-Volume" echo "F12:" "+Volume" echo "INSERT:" "CRAZY FLASHLIGHT" echo "DELET:" "Fast Elite" echo "HOME:" "Netgraph" echo "END:" "say !deposit all" echo "PGUP:" "say_team rtv" echo "PGDN:" "say Hello" echo "Backspace:" "say !resetscore" echo "kp insert:" "say rank" echo "kp del:" "say top" echo "kp end:" "buy fam/gal & buy hegrenade" echo "kp downarrow:" "buy ak/colt & buy hegrenade" echo "kp pagedown:" "buy sg552/aug & buy hegrenade" echo "kp leftarrow:" "buy scout & buy hegrenade" echo "kp 5:" "buy awp & buy hegrenade" echo "kp rightarrow:" "buy g3sg1/sg550 & buy hegrenade" echo "kp home:" "buy mp5 & buy hegrenade" echo "kp uparrow:" "buy p90 & buy hegrenade" echo "kp pageup:" "buy m249 & buy hegrenade" echo "kp minus:" "buy m3 & buy hegrenade" echo "kp plus:" "buy xm1014 & buy hegrenade" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "----------------------BY-HEDO--------------------------" echo "-------------------------------------------------------" echo "********" echo "**END**" echo "******" echo "*****" echo "****" echo "***" echo "**" echo "*"