realistic semi-auto dragunov
WeaponData { "MaxPlayerSpeed" "210" "FullAuto" 0 "WeaponType" "SniperRifle" "WeaponPrice" "5000" "WeaponArmorRatio" "1.65" "CrosshairMinDistance" "6" "CrosshairDeltaDistance" "4" "Team" "TERRORIST" "BuiltRightHanded" "1" "PlayerAnimationExtension" "g3" "MuzzleFlashScale" "1.5" "MuzzleFlashStyle" "CS_MUZZLEFLASH_X" "CanEquipWithShield" "0" // New accuracy model parameters "Spread" 0.00200 "InaccuracyCrouch" 0.00825 "InaccuracyStand" 0.01100 "InaccuracyJump" 0.28500 "InaccuracyLand" 0.05700 "InaccuracyLadder" 0.01900 "InaccuracyFire" 0.04318 "InaccuracyMove" 0.09710 "SpreadAlt" 0.00200 "InaccuracyCrouchAlt" 0.00750 "InaccuracyStandAlt" 0.01000 "InaccuracyJumpAlt" 0.27750 "InaccuracyLandAlt" 0.05550 "InaccuracyLadderAlt" 0.01850 "InaccuracyFireAlt" 0.02217 "InaccuracyMoveAlt" 0.09665 "RecoveryTimeCrouch" 0.23026 "RecoveryTimeStand" 0.27631 // Weapon characteristics: "Penetration" "3" "Damage" "80" "Range" "8192" "RangeModifier" "0.98" "Bullets" "1" "CycleTime" "0.125" "AccuracyDivisor" "-1" "AccuracyOffset" "0" "MaxInaccuracy" "0" "TimeToIdle" "1.8" "IdleInterval" "60" // Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs. "printname" "#Cstrike_WPNHUD_G3SG1" "viewmodel" "models/weapons/v_snip_g3sg1.mdl" "playermodel" "models/weapons/w_snip_g3sg1.mdl" "anim_prefix" "anim" "bucket" "0" "bucket_position" "0" "clip_size" "20" "primary_ammo" "BULLET_PLAYER_762MM" "secondary_ammo" "None" "weight" "20" "item_flags" "0" // Sounds for the weapon. There is a max of 16 sounds per category (i.e. max 16 "single_shot" sounds) SoundData { //"reload" "Default.Reload" //"empty" "Default.ClipEmpty_Rifle" "single_shot" "Weapon_G3SG1.Single" special3 Default.Zoom } // Weapon Sprite data is loaded by the Client DLL. TextureData { "weapon" { "font" "CSweaponsSmall" "character" "I" } "weapon_s" { "font" "CSweapons" "character" "I" } "ammo" { "font" "CSTypeDeath" "character" "V" } "autoaim" { "file" "sprites/crosshairs" "x" "0" "y" "48" "width" "24" "height" "24" } } ModelBounds { Viewmodel { Mins "-8 -3 -13" Maxs "33 10 -1" } World { Mins "-11 -9 -4" Maxs "28 9 9" } } }
this looks like the dragunov in COD MW2