This remove the Recoil form you weapon to almost 100%
//Netcode Settings cl_interp 0 cl_interpolate 0 cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1 //Checks for player position errors cl_lagcompensation 1 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 101 cl_rate 20000 cl_smooth 0 //Stops the game from feeling choppy rate 25000 //Graphic Settings r_propsmaxdist 100 r_rainalpha 0 r_rainalphapow 0 r_raindensity 0 r_rainlength 0 r_RainProfile 0 r_rainradius 0 r_RainRadius 0 r_RainSideVel 0 r_RainSimulate 0 r_rainspeed 0 r_rainwidth 0 r_RainSplashPercentage 0 //Blood detail increased to see hits better violence_agibs "1" violence_hgibs "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_ablood "1" cl_show_bloodspray "1" //Crosshair brightness cl_crosshairalpha "999" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" //new ones mat_dxlevel 81 cl_phys_props_enable 0 cl_phys_props_max 0 cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0 fog_enable 0 fog_enable_water_fog 0 cl_showfps 1 // MATERIALS mat_dxlevel "81" mat_monitorgamma "1.6" mat_specular "0" mat_bumpmap "0" mat_hdr_enabled "0" mat_hdr_level "0" mat_queue_mode "2" jpeg_quality "100" // FPS fps_max "200" // RENDER r_3dsky "0" r_fastzreject "0" r_shadowmaxrendered "8" r_lod "0" r_rootlod "2" r_decals "2048" // CLIENT cl_interp "0.01" cl_interp_ratio "1" cl_updaterate "66" cl_cmdrate "66" cl_smooth "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_wpn_sway_interp "0" cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" cl_ragdoll_collide "0" cl_phys_props_enable "0" cl_phys_props_max "0" cl_minmodels "0" cl_radaralpha "255" cl_autowepswitch "0" cl_righthand "1" cl_c4dynamiclight "1" cl_downloadfilter "all" cl_show_achievement_popups "0" cl_disablefreezecam "0" cl_disablehtmlmotd "1" cl_autohelp "0" rate "100000" hud_deathnotice_time "12" hud_fastswitch "1" clear echo "/////////CS:S .cfg Script Pack Enabled////////" echo "//////////////larus123////////////////////////" echo "//////////////////////////////////////////" echo "///////////////////////////////////////////" echo "//////////////////////////////////////////" echo "/////////////////////////////////////////" echo "//////////////////////////////////////" echo "//////////Good luck, and HF!///////////" echo "//////////////////////////////////////"
No Recoil CFG
Okey what this do is that your weapon dosent move.
Ofc it moves alitel i have tried to remove the recoil so mutch i can.
There are also some FPS boost configs in there :) i have marked up witch commands that are witch if you want to take a look :)
You cant get vac banned it is a cfg :3
Hope you like this post anything if you have any qustions about it !!
Okey to make this work you need to follow this instructions :)
write -mat_dxlevel 81 in the set launch options on steam
I have it as an autoexec.cfg recommend you to have it to :)
Play and own the game with your new awesome CFG :D