// This script lets you toggle duck toggling, walk toggling, attack burst, and score screen. // C toggles the developer console ( this is where all information is display ) // V lists out what everything is ( Example: Walk Toggle - Enabled. ) // Z toggles whatever is selected with X. // X changes what Z toggles. It will be displayed in the top left corner if you have developer console enabled ( C ) //~~~~~~~~~~ The Script ~~~~~~~~~~~ // << -- Main Setup -- >> \\ echo << ----------------- >> echo << ---- Advanced --- >> echo << - Basic Scripts - >> echo << ----------------- >> echo << -- Created By: - >> echo << -- HuntsKikBut -- >> echo << ----------------- >> alias "dev1" "developer 1" alias "dev0" "developer 0" alias "w10" "w5; w5" alias "w5" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait" alias "w3" "wait; wait; wait" alias "blank" "" // << -- Bind Attack -- >> \\ bind "mouse1" "+attack21" alias "+attack21" "+burstmode; bind mouse1 +attack22; walktoggle" alias "-attack21" "-burstmode" alias "+attack22" "+burstmode; bind mouse1 +attack23; walktoggle" alias "-attack22" "-burstmode" alias "+attack23" "+burstmode; bind mouse1 +attack21; walktoggle; enemyspoted" alias "-attack23" "-burstmode" alias "+burstmode" "+attack" alias "-burstmode" "-attack" alias "enemyspoted" "blank" alias "walktoggle" "blank" // << -- X Switch -- >> \\ bind "x" "x1" alias "x1" "bind x x2; bind z z2; echo Toggle Duck Toggle" alias "x2" "bind x x3; bind z z3; echo Toggle Walk Toggle" alias "x3" "bind x x4; bind z z4; echo Burst Toggle" alias "x4" "bind x x5; bind z z5; echo Toggle Scores Toggle" alias "x5" "bind x x1; bind z z1; echo Enemy Spotted Toggle" // << -- Y Switch -- >> \\ bind "z" "z1" alias "z1" "espoton" alias "espoton" "alias z1 espotoff; alias enemyspoted enemyspot; echo Enemy Spotted Enabled.; alias enemy_msg enemy_msg_on" alias "espotoff" "alias z1 espoton; alias enemyspoted blank; echo Enemy Spotted Disabled; alias enemy_msg enemy_msg_off" alias "z2" "dtogon" alias "dtogon" "alias +dtog duck1; alias -dtog blank; alias z2 dtogoff; echo Duck Toggle Enabled.; alias duck_msg duck_msg_on" alias "dtogoff" "alias +dtog +duck; alias -dtog -duck; alias z2 dtogon; echo Duck Toggle Disabled.; alias duck_msg duck_msg_off" bind "CTRL" "+dtog" alias "+dtog" "+duck" alias "-dtog" "-duck" alias "duck1" "+duck; alias +dtog duck2" alias "duck2" "-duck; alias +dtog duck1" alias "z3" "wtog2" alias "wtog1" "alias +wtog +speed; alias -wtog -speed; alias z3 wtog2; alias walktoggle blank; echo Walk Toggle Disabled.; alias walk_msg walk_msg_off" alias "wtog2" "alias +wtog watogon1; alias -wtog blank; alias z3 wtog3; alias walktoggle -speed; echo Walk Toggle Enabled - Autorun Enabled.; alias walk_msg walk_msg_on1" alias "wtog3" "alias +wtog watogon1; alias -wtog blank; alias z3 wtog1; alias walktoggle blank; echo Walk Toggle Enabled - Autorun Disabled.; alias walk_msg walk_msg_on2" alias "watogon1" "+speed; alias +wtog watogon2" alias "watogon2" "-speed; alias +wtog watogon1" bind "SHIFT" "+wtog" alias "+wtog" "+speed" alias "-wtog" "-speed" alias "z4" "attburston1" alias "attburstoff" "alias +burstmode +attack; alias -burstmode -attack; alias z4 attburston1; echo Attack Burst Disabled.; alias burst_msg burst_msg_off" alias "attburston1" "alias +burstmode attburston1act; alias -burstmode blank; alias z4 attburston2; echo Attack Burst Enabled - 3 Rounds.; alias burst_msg burst_msg_on1" alias "attburston1act" "+attack; w10; -attack; w5; +attack; w10; -attack; w5; +attack; w10; -attack" alias "attburston2" "alias +burstmode attburston2act; alias -burstmode blank; alias z4 attburstoff; echo Attack Burst Enabled - 5 Rounds.; alias burst_msg burst_msg_on2" alias "attburston2act" "+attack; w10; -attack; w5; w3; +attack; w10; -attack; w5; w3; +attack; w10; -attack; w5; w3; +attack; w10; -attack; w5; w3; +attack; w10; -attack" alias "z5" "scorestogon" alias "scorestogon" "bind TAB showscores; echo Scores Toggle Enabled.; alias scores_msg scores_msg_on; alias z5 scorestogoff" alias "scorestogoff" "bind TAB +showscores; echo Scores Toggle Disabled.; alias scores_msg scores_msg_off; alias z5 scorestogon" alias "showscores" "+showscores; bind TAB hidescores" alias "hidescores" "-showscores; bind TAB showscores" bind "TAB" "+showscores" // << -- C Dev -- >> \\ bind c "tgdev" alias "tgdev" "tgdon" alias "tgdon" "dev1; alias tgdev tgoff; echo "Developer Console Enabled." alias "tgoff" "dev0; alias tgdev tgdon; echo "Developer Console Disabled." // << -- V Msg -- >> \\ bind "v" "start_msg; enemy_msg; duck_msg; walk_msg; burst_msg; scores_msg; finish_msg" alias "start_msg" "echo << -- Script Status -- >>" alias "enemy_msg" "enemy_msg_off" alias "duck_msg" "duck_msg_off" alias "walk_msg" "walk_msg_off" alias "burst_msg" "burst_msg_off" alias "scores_msg" "scores_msg_off" alias "finish_msg" "echo << -- Script Status -- >>" alias "enemy_msg_on" "echo Enemy Spotted - Enabled." alias "enemy_msg_off" "echo Enemy Spotted - Disabled." alias "duck_msg_on" "echo Duck Toggle - Enabled." alias "duck_msg_off" "echo Duck Toggle - Disabled." alias "walk_msg_off" "echo Walk Toggle - Disabled." alias "walk_msg_on1" "echo Walk Toggle - Enabled With Autorun." alias "walk_msg_on2" "echo Walk Toggle - Enabled Without Autorun." alias "burst_msg_off" "echo Attack Burst - Disabled." alias "burst_msg_on1" "echo Attack Burst - 3 Rounds." alias "burst_msg_on2" "echo Attack Burst - 5 Rounds." alias "scores_msg_off" "echo Scores Toggle - Disabled." alias "scores_msg_on" "echo Scores Toggle - Enabled."