

Entry Judgement


3 months ago 21 posts
1st Place
We felt Vigil was the best all round map. The judges were impressed by the high quality custom textures, and felt it had the best overall layout in terms of gameplay. Giblets has grasped the theme, and executed it to a tee.


3 months ago 8 posts
2nd Place
It's great to see a gold source engine map make the top spots! It just goes to show that good maps are not all about aesthetics, the judges were really impressed by sakalkv's attention to detail and gameplay mechanics. The "old-history" feel of this map stuck really well to theme. Over all the map just felt really polished and its clear a lot of thought went into this map.


3 months ago 3 posts
3rd Place
A well thought out map featuring fantastic use of the "figure of eight" theory. (Or in this case multiple figures of eight!!!) Resulting in this map having excellent gameplay for large severs, due to the many possible routes to the bomb sites. We also like how he took advantage of TopHattWaffle's real life texture packs - it really gives the map that "realistic" feel.


3 months ago 5 posts
4th Place
Shash7 has done wonders with this goldsource map the lighting and textures are spot on and give this a really interesting ambiance. A lot of attention to detail has been given here, with many minor objects that give the map a nice complete feel to it, although some of the larger objects seem a tad blocky, this is to be expect of an older engine, the map certainly plays well considering the amount of brushwork here. It's stuck well to the theme. -- Who knew what was going on just feet below where your walking down in those sewers!


3 months ago 13 posts
5th Place
Another fantastic entry for CS:GO! This map has great use of lighting and dark dingy textures to create that perfect underground bunker theme, and really shows a bit of intuition making a map for a game that isn't even release yet! The beta SDK can be quite hard to use, with its limited documentation, but with help from some of our top community members I-Iybr1d has managed it. The only thing that let it down slightly was how "hidden in plain sight" an underground bunker was. Other than that, a fantastic all round map!


1st Prize:
$90 cash + Ripe1
2nd Prize:
$70 cash + Ripe1
3rd Prize:
$35 cash + Ripe1
4th Prize:
$15 cash
5th Prize:
$10 cash
