Originally Posted by kaidus
It's about time you lazy piece of shit. How you can blame poor managment is behond me. The only work that needed to be done was in your hands, but you were too fucking lazy to do it. Time and time again I would present you with detailed bug lists, and time and time again you would take months to fix any of them which generally resulted in 90% of the apparent 'fixes' either making the problem worse or just leaving it exactly as it was.
Good riddance.
geez kaidus you of all people should know that the dev's do this in their free time, fuck you all who say that the dev's didn't try, they did, you all spat them out and said fuck off.
they dont get payed to do this, they got hardly anything for it, except for seeing you play it.
he tryed to get other dev's to help, stieffers didn't want it, stieffers is a 16yr/o with a massive power trip, he couldnt give a shit about the mod, neither could JLF, louti or volt, so don't go off at haza for decieding to leave.
one coder can't code a whole mod.
edit: Fuzion your not even in the beta team, you don't know shit, so stop pretending like you know what you are talking about, because you don't.