Due to Khuskans total ineptitude at being a moderator, he has been demoted to administrator.
Yeah. Forum cleanup starts now. The following will be deleted and land you with a 2 day ban (none of these apply in the Sanity Requiem of course):
- Any form of 'What is happening' or 'get your acts together' posts or threads. We get the idea thank you, and strangely enough, we are acting on it.
- Any flaming of any sort in any forums, no matter how subtle.
- Any post deliberately posting to wind moderators up.
- Obvious thread derailment
This is of course on top of the already in-effect rules list found
im ttly srs guys im so gonna start b&ing u for breaking dis ruelz
Nocashvalue, LemonPooding and 01101030130 have been selected for to moderate, because they're the three most level headed people here. There are a few other new moderators as well, but they actually know about it, unlike these three.
If you have no idea how to use your new superpowers, send me a PM or something.