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Old 09-14-2008
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Default Skill balance

Basically just thought I'd make a thread about this idea.

The game would keep track of stats, such as playing time, kdr, objective points, and number of caps. The skill points would be added up and teams would be balanced so that the teams would have nearly equal amounts of points. In the player list you could choose certain teammates who you would want to be on the same team as, so the balancer doesn't separate them first, but leaves separating the players as a last resort. Team numbers would have nothing to do with this balance system, so teams could be like 6 v 11 and it would stay that way as long as the skill points of both teams would be equal to each other. The skill points would be updated after every map played and stats would only be tracked in servers with 3+ people.

This balance system would run a balance check every 2 minutes and would balance the teams accordingly, so that games wouldn't be completely unbalanced and one team would just romp over the other team in seconds.
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Old 09-14-2008
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Sounds like it would be very complicated to impliment. In the long run it would be pretty good to have, but I'm pretty sure the development team will leave something like this until 2.something greater than 0 and just focus on the game for now.
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Old 09-14-2008
Fort Builder
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Posts: 35

Calculating skill in a team game is virtually impossible. Also, reassigning teams every two minutes would be horrible.
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Old 09-14-2008
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Originally Posted by andrewshen123 View Post
Calculating skill in a team game is virtually impossible. Also, reassigning teams every two minutes would be horrible.
ya, at least I can say I tried :P
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Old 09-14-2008
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HEY how about we steal dystopias ranking system and implement it in SF? its nearly the same as what you described ^^
Originally Posted by Draken View Post
I'm not the one who actually does fuck all in a mod PFFFFFFFFFF
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Old 09-14-2008
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Originally Posted by Tobel^ View Post
HEY how about we steal dystopias ranking system and implement it in SF? its nearly the same as what you described ^^
Yeah, and even though they have an amazing system for keeping track of all the points, autobalance still fails.

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Old 09-15-2008
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Couldn't you just measure skill with points? Which are already in sf?
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Old 09-15-2008
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No, you couldn't.

In any games, your "skill" is determined by how well you play in the game. In most games, that comes down to being able to kill your opponent more than he kills you. In SF, that is not necessarily the case. Not only must you take into account the different class potentials (you're going to get more kills as a soldier than a scout), but you must also consider that, in Sf, there are objectives beyond killing entirely.

Your ability to perform advanced jumps plays a large part in your skill, but that is not directly measured by your ability to get the flag, i.e., in pubs, i might be able to score 10 times without trouble, but does that mean I'm better than the person who scored once in a scrim? Problem is, there's no way for the game to tell that that single score is more important than my ten scores.

Your ability to take down blocks is another difficult problem. In some cases, it's better for your team for you to ignore combat as much as possible and simply shoot a block. Problem is, you'll die a lot this way, lowering your score (since the system can't know you're trying to take down a block), even though you'd be helping your team a great deal more than the soldier who's ignoring the block but racking up the points.

That said, I do think there's a way to do it, but, as I'm off to class right now, and I can't post anything without taking a while to do it, I'll have to post it later.
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Old 09-15-2008
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i don't appreciate this
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i'm still waiting on a score system that uses actual touch/cap points instead of kills/deaths

oh. how2scrolljump?
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Old 09-15-2008
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Hello there :D
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a score system based on both would be good ... uhm .. i'd better create one .. but unfreezing enemy-blocks needs to score too (idk how i can find out what team a block belongs to)
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