Simple: Lower the amount of points an engineer gains for ripping a block. Easy to impliment. Should hold the release of the next patch up by about 2 minutes.
Receiving 5 points for ripping a block is far too generous. The overall gain for taking an enemy piece is reward enough in itself, as you both disadvantage the enemy in a semi-permanent fashion, as well as gaining a block for your team to use next build phase (in most cases). The reward of 5 points causes public players to continuously attempt to rip blocks that serve no tactical advantage, purely for the 5 points they'll get for their effort. In most cases, when blocks get ripped they are already heavily damaged, therefore requiring a split second of the engineers time, and even less of his skill.
There are obviously better solutions to solving this problem than simply lowering the amount of points the engineer gains, but I'm thinking in terms of the amount of time it will take to implement, as well as in-game practicalities. A better solution may be to award the engineer a point for every 20% of health the block has left, however this would be somewhat more demanding of Zoc and the QA team's time, and may eventuate into setting back the patch.
So yeah. There you have it.
Summary of the Responses for Developers
- Some kind of alteration in the engineers reward for ripping a block is required.
- A simple decrease will suffice if that's all there is time for, however a favoured alternative would be to award the engineer points in the 'Score' column for rips, as cappers get for capping.
- Azlan skim reads posts.
- Red shouldn't look at the suggestion board when he's been drinking.
- Many people are in favour of:
Originally Posted by kaidus
A better solution may be to award the engineer a point for every 20% of health the block has left.