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Old 09-11-2008
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Smile Auto-Team switch .. thingy

Hi folks.

Had a quick browse and a search under keyword "balance", so I'm pretty sure this hadn't been suggested..

One thing that always bugs me (and more often than not causes me to sigh and quit ) is when I've spent perhaps two rounds building constructively, and contributing to my team score...

Only to be switched to the losing side (as all their players have QQ'd off the server)

Long story short, my proposal is some kind of balancing system that isn't just 'next death = unlucky, mate'.

I'm confident this is something that could be achieved with one o' they admin mod thingies.. If it's written into SF itself all servers can benefit...

Balance points.
Each player on a team is given a value based on the following:
*Time played on the team. (If you joined the side on map change you have a greater investment in the fort)
*Score contribution. (If you're the one guy who's capped the flag for your side, this is a pain!)
*Name similarities. (perhaps an element that recognises you're playing with a clan member, always nicer to play with a friend.. no?)
*Other? (Manhood length and girth.)

Players with lowest points are put up for autobalance.

Obviously something like score may have a lower contribution to your rating than time invested. Only fair that a less skilled player be given a fair chance if they've played since round1 too.

I'm pretty sure peeps will agree that it's a pain to get switched, sh17 happens though eh?

Thanks in advance for recognising my suggestion.


P.S. I have a tendancy to overuse the 'comma'. Sorry for the eyesore that is my post.
|-SkY-| Blue AKA; Jason.
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Old 09-11-2008
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Very good suggestion.

All's fair in love and sourceforts.
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Music? I think something is wrong with my soundcard.
Everytime I start that youtube video I hear a lot of loud noise and yelling.
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how the hell do you think that is sig-worthy? :S
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Old 09-11-2008
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I suggested something like this to another sourceforts-like mod a while back in march, but it wasn't server-based (and I'm pretty sure they never implemented it ). Basically the game would keep track of your playing time and would give you a certain number of points (based on your frags, caps, building points :P, and playing time) teams would be balanced so that each team had an equal amount of points. The system would run a team balance check every 2 minutes or so. So even if teams were 5 v 15 and the 5 were suverin and the other 15 were cactus fantasticos the teams would be even.

Your suggestion works too I guess and is much simpler.
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Old 09-12-2008
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I hadn't thought of that, I was only thinking of team numbers...

That's a bold idea, and a good one

I'd wager it'd be very difficult to assign a value to a players skill though :P
(Someone contributing by breaking into oposing base might have a poor k:d ratio from sacrificing themselves, than perhaps the defender monkeys with their rocketses)

Unless it's me; value of 1337 har-he-har!

Perhaps if the teams remain unbalanced until a score is made...

Little point in auto-switching if there's a 0 - 0 standoff going on ^_^

I reckon all this is achievable. Either with an admin mod thingie, or as part of the game mechanices of SF..

Not that I'd have any idea how to even approach implementation

|-SkY-| Blue AKA; Jason.
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Old 09-12-2008
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tbh post signing is for fags

Originally Posted by MagicBobert View Post
The answer is, however, always 42.
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Old 09-12-2008
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I think this is a cool idea, even if it only has a limited capability.

Originally Posted by rushdaraccoon View Post
tbh post signing is for fags

Why aren't you still banned?

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Old 09-12-2008
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Post signing?

.. Why would you make such a random comment, if not related to topic?

|-SkY-| Blue AKA; Jason.
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Old 09-12-2008
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Originally Posted by bluetoxic View Post
Post signing?

.. Why would you make such a random comment, if not related to topic?

Don't mind rush, but ya someone should def try to make some kind of team balancing plugin like this.
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Old 09-16-2008
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Doesn't seem as though anyone's taken much of an interest in my idea xD

I've probably not been the 1st person to have thoughts over balancing, I thought this could be a nice solution.. ^_^

Oh well :>
|-SkY-| Blue AKA; Jason.
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