Ok, this one's simple (conceptually speaking, at least)
(this assumes, of course, that there will be a death penalty, and therefor that there will be time when the player is out of the game with nothing to do)
Recreate the CoD4 death "demo."
Is it copying? Of course it is, but a good feature is a good feature.
As I understand it, haven will be a game of strategy; make fewer mistakes than your opponent, and you will win, rather than simply being better. New players will make many mistakes, and older players will make fewer mistakes. Recreating their death from the killer's perspective will allow players to learn tactics advanced players use, while also showing them exactly what their mistake was. Sometimes you can't tell from the first person perspective, but it's fairly obvious from the attacker's view, since that mistake was what allowed them to make their kill. If the attacker was just making blind shots out of habit, it will allow new players to pick up on those tactics far more quickly than they would otherwise.
Of course, you could give it a few finishing touches, like making your character model show through walls to make it easier to figure out, or putting it in slow motion, w/e.
Any other thoughts on what you might do during death? I think it's a great opportunity to take players out of the game and teach them something; even if it isn't this, I think you ought to do something special with it.