(...so named in order to avoid confusion in outside discussion; refer to this sugestion as 'greenprints')
This is a direct suggestion for the devs, but for equality i'm leaving it in the public. Many ideas and links may be about dev-discussions and ideas that have already been confirmed, but I will not give any further information.
Feel free to speculate.
What's the plan?
1) remove mess from unfinished forts
2) make griefing harder
3) create a compromise between buildphase and combat round
4) allow all classes to participate in building, whilst keeping the core building classes special
5) enforcing well-structured and clean forts
Spawn a blueprint
Manipulate it where you want it (roate, easy-build, etc) without fear of being attacked
Commision it (stick it in place instantly)
Heal it into existance as conveinient (can be done by any class)
Blocks can be spawned by the two building classes (no, I won't go into dev-classified details), with the Architect being given a larger selection.
Blocks are spawned as 'blueprints'
When spawned, the blueprint becomes visually linked with the player that created it.
If the player moves too far away from the block, the link is broken.
Whilst linked, the blueprint cannot be manipulated by teammates, but can be 'stolen' by enemies.
Whilst unlinked, the blueprint can be taken by anyone, and will become linked with them instantly.
If unlinked and uncommisioned for more than a 10 seconds, the blueprint will disapear.
A player can only have 3 linked blueprints. They cannot spawn any more than this.
Blueprints are visual represatons of blocks. They do not clip with the world, bulets, phys-weapons, players or debris, but do clip with other blueprints and blocks. They are semi-transparent and have no definition past a 6-sided-solid, making them cheep to render.
The blueprints stay in place whilst not held (i.e. are not affected by physics). They can be picked up with the right mouse button.
Tapping the right mouse button again releases the blueprint, whilst holding the button removes it.
Tapping the left mouse button commisions the block.
Holding R allows you to rotate the block
Holding Q enables
Commisioning a block is basically like welding it in build phase.
A commisioned block looks like a normal block, but is semi-transparent.
The block is unsolid to players, still, but now bullets cannot pass through it and enemy players are slowed down signifigantly if they try to walk through it.
Any class can press 'E' n the block in order to 'charge' it. Charging it fully brings it into existance as an actual block.
The process takes about as long as welding a block in 1.9.x
The block can also be charged by shooting at it (teammates only) or using left mouse on the builder's tools.
The block cannot be destroyed, but if left too long without being charged it'l be removed from play
When blocks are physically close to more than 2 other blocks, they share damage and healing. The stats are worked out so that double-layering a wall provides no majour benifit.
Visual clues such as flashes accross a block when it's being indirectly damaged help show this, and it is made clear in game descriptions and hints.
The result is that the fewer blocks you have defending a place, the better off you probably are.
Using the primary fire of a build tool on an enemy's block unwelds it, as in 1.9.x
Unwelding a block will turn it into a physobject for a few seconds, before it returns to being a blueprint.
Carrying an enemy's block does not change it's colour. Commisioning it, however, does.
Destorying a block blasts it into debris, as in 1.9.x