I started making this maps a long time ago, like half a year or so, and then i kinda dropped out of the whole mapping buisness. Now i got into it again and i wanted to finish this old map before starting something new.
Here's some screenshots:

Here's an overview of the whole map.

Ammo Crates convieniently placed outside the spawns on either side of the map.

Block Spawner, using eDIT's prefab, so credits to him.

Ramp on the midfield, for trickjumping and such. (Notice the sexy lightning)

Health and Armor dispensers on the pillars.

The flag is placed up a small ramp as well, for more tricks.

Another overview, only half of the map on this one.
Please note that the map features HDR for extra sexy lightning goodness.
Download links:
eDIT - Blockspawner
Miauw Mizx - Made some of the lightning a long time ago and also compiled the map and built the cubemaps for me, as my computer crashed when compiling maps with HDR.