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Old 01-28-2006
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Default For submission: sfbr_bumrush

It went through 3 betas (4 if you count the one that didn't work), but bumrush has now reached final.

The map | The vmf

Blue base:

The hill from blue perspective:

Red's minigame during build time:

Red spawn:

Blue spawn:

Health corners in blue base (both teams can use these):
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Old 01-28-2006
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Herin lies the great question... Does the SF team support hacked gamemodes via offical submission?

I personally am a fan of bumrush, even if it's title is someone laughable, it's a fun map to play. Traditionally though mod teams don't officialize maps that step out of the design paramiters of the standard scope. And with that it's up to the whims of the greaters powers.

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Old 01-28-2006
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Bumrush FTW!
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Old 01-28-2006
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It is very likely (by that I mean CERTAIN) that there will be a rename in the map style. Probably to somthing like assault or a like name, as bumrush, though funny, really dosnt spurt quality and proffesionalism...

As for the fact bumrush has had such a huge community responce and support, I wouldnt be suprised if the coding department start hardcoding it into 2.0...
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
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Old 01-28-2006
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'bumrush' maps are boring as hell for the people not building. ya the soccer thing is nice and all, but not very fun after a minute or two. from my (little) experience the only real threat is a a rocketjumper slipping by. i don't think it would even be a challenge for experienced players to defend against a team the same size.

imo, the whole bumrush thing isn't balanced enough to be included as an official part of SF.
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Old 01-29-2006
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I think with some changes to the game style, it'd be a great addition.

For example, the games could consist of one team building and the other team vegetating like normal, but after the first combat round, the teams would have their positions changed so that the team that first was building is now the team attacking. The first set of attackers would set the pace, and the second set of attackers would either have to score more than the first set, or they'd have to score in less time to win.
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Old 01-29-2006
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I've actually been pondering a way to rework this map so that there is no down time.

So far, I'm thinking that I should clone the map, so that there are two next to each other, but separate. Both teams are in their own map, and they build their bases. Then on combat, red spawns are moved from their map to the blue, but up on the hill. On the next combat, they move to the red map, but blue up on the hill.

The only thing I can't figure out is what should be done in the short build rounds. I could just have them go to their separate maps again, but then you'd have one team franctically rebuilding their base since it was just assualted, while the other team sits on their thumbs since their base hasn't been touched yet.

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Old 01-29-2006
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Maybe just don't have any short build times.
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Old 01-29-2006
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or if both teams build a base, then take turns to attack each other. That could only truely be done with code, and nobody would be bored
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[
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Old 01-29-2006
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only done with code eh? i seem to be doing ok without code in making it... maybe because i havent started making it yet, but using server commands that you can run from map, i think i will be fine
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