Greetings all. Though this may be my first post, I'm an experienced mapper. I've come out of my hole to bring you my latest map "sf_blockedout". Blocked Out consists of a cement/metal base divided in half, with top floor and bottum floor. Here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasures:
You can currently download sf_blockedout at my FileFront accout; FileFront Download. Oppinions are welcome.
can you post an image from 500 feet up, straight down? so we can see the overall map layout.
also i hope the map isn't as dimly lit as it appears from the images. i hate when you can't see what color a block is because it's in a shadow, like in many places on sf_sewer
Its a bit on the small side and the narrow ledge at the top can make building a wall up there a pain. In my opinion if you made the map a little larger and expand the thickness of the second floor in the center it will be much more funnerer. Other than that and the name I'd say you did a good job.