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Old 10-10-2008
Stieffers's Avatar
It's stee - ffers damnit.
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Default Rules For New League

PM me changes. These are the rules we previously used, but they won't fit exactly.

SourceForts – League Rules
February 19th, 2007 – Revision #12

Player Code Of Conduct
Player Conduct
All players will be required to refrain from harassment, insult, and general unsportsmanlike conduct during matches. Offenders may gain their team a forfeit loss, and suspension for repeated offenses.

Player Information
All players must have their SteamIDs on their player profile for the league. SteamIDs will be allowed to be changed only once every few weeks, to prevent “ringers”. Any player found playing under another player’s SteamID will gain both players a suspension, as well as a forfeit loss for their team.

No custom models, sounds, skins, or textures may be used by any player participating in the league. Any use of customized models, sounds, skins or textures will result in a suspension for the offending player, and a forfeit loss for his or her team. The only exception is the use of specific league approved block skins which can be found in the 1.1.1 installer of the Skin Chooser. Note: despite the inclusion in the pack the "Tron" Skins are not allowed in league.

Only team captains will be permitted to use the global chat (message mode 1) once the match goes live. Team captains should not use this ability to harass or insult the other team. Extreme offenses may result in suspensions.

Multi-clanning of any type is not permitted. A player may be on one team roster at any given time. Any player found to be on multiple rosters or found to be using multiple SteamID’s to dodge league standards is subject to long term or permanent suspension dependent on administrative judgment.

Hacking / Cheating
The use of third party software to modify the game is prohibited. Players found cheating or hacking will be suspsended indefinately.
Pre-match Preparations
Pre-Match is to take place in the specified pre-match map. This map will contain models of both team's blocks as well as all of the player models. Do not kill or injure opposing players during pre-match fight round.

All players on both teams are required to take screenshots (with F5 by default), during the pre-match map round, to verify compliance with league rules. These screenshots must include:
  • 1. A Rebel (red) and Combine (blue) player model.
  • 2. The player’s scoreboard (opened with the Tab key)
  • 3. A red and blue block.
Team leaders must take a screenshot of the status in console (viewed by typing “status”) to verify player SteamIDs. No combat or killing of enemies or teammates should take place during the screenshot period. Failure to have these screenshots in the event of a dispute will automatically earn you a forfeit loss, and suspension for repeat offenders.

If a player disconnects and then rejoins, they must retake all screenshots in order to prevent instances of model or material swapping.

All players on both teams must begin recording demos prior to taking screenshots. Demos are taken by typing “record demoname”, where demoname is whatever you want to name your demo, in console. To stop a demo, simply type “stop”. Players must record two demos for every match, one of each half. If players are found to have no demos or corrupt demos from a match, they will automatically earn their team a forfeit loss, repeat offenses will invoke greater consequences. League admins may request a demo for any reason at any time.
Starting a match
Teams have a 15 minute grace period to join the match server after the decided match time. If after 15 minutes, Team A has all 5 of their players in the server, while Team B does not, then Team A can take screenshots and report a forfeit win.

Once all 5 players from both teams are in the server, screenshots have been taken and demos started, and both team captains have verified that they are ready to start, the match can be started.

Match Format

The match then concludes.
Map selection
The defending clan has “home field advantage” allowing them to choose which map they desire from a list of league approved maps. No match may be played on any map not approved for league play. Mappers may submit their maps to league admins to have them considered for use in matches. The challenging clan chooses their team first.

Because of the nature of SourceForts, and because of the inability for admins to monitor every single league match, there will be no building restrictions. This prevents almost all disputes from occurring, allowing for more fair play. The blocklimit is to be set at 35.

Rule Changes
All rules are subject to change by league administration at any time. Rule changes will be announced and it is a player’s responsibility to not be caught in violation. Ignorance is not a valid argument against the breaking of rules.

Because of the inability for admins to monitor every single league match, and because of the nature of exploits, all exploits will be allowed. This prevents disputes occurring to determine what is and isn't an exploit. However, certain exploits which give players an extreme, unfair advantage (or something along the lines of that) over their opponents are banned. The list of banned exploits is as follows
List of illegal exploits
  • Player cannons: The abuse of havok physics errors to impart propulsion energy on the player greater then could be achieved through the player's normal movement abilities, through interaction with blocks.
  • SLAM blocking: The use of SLAM's to block doorways into the locked closed or locked open state
  • Build time exploits: You are not allowed access to the opposing team's build area during build time or manipulate opponents pieces through the build wall
  • Reload and recock skipping: You may not skip the reload time of weapons through timing manipulation, and you may not skip the cocking time. Most noticeable on the shotgun, you may not skip reload time allowing an empty shotgun to fire as if it were loaded, or skip recocking allowing for greater then normal fire rate.
  • Repair exploit: Using the gravgun and binds to heal blocks at a faster rate then should be possible.
Servers must use the provided league configuration file as well as the EventScripts provided in their unmodified form. All other scripts must be disabled before the initiation of a match.
Filing Disputes
If an opposing team is in vilolation of league rules a team may submit a dispute to league administration. Disputes must be submitted within 48 hours of the match in question and must be submitted with any relivent evidence a team may wish to include. Disputes will be dealt with on a case by case basis depending on the nature and severity of the offence. Filing frivilous disputes may result in team or individual suspention in repeat cases.

Investigating Disputes
League admins may ask any player on any team involved in the dispute for any demo or screenshot evidence they should have as per league rules. Failure to comply can lead to player suspentions and a team forfiet.
Version History
Rev #1 – Stieffers
Laid down the base of the rules and structure for the rules to be written in.
Hey there.

Last edited by Stieffers; 10-10-2008 at 09:51 PM.
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