Clearly the situation with the competitive scene on SF is not good. It is more or less non existent except for a few clans.
Recently we have seen the rise and fall of Draken's Tournament and before that the SFML. Although both of these leagues failed there are several points that should be noted.
- The interest is there. The signups for both league had a great turnout.
- There is not enough dedication for a league requiring a schedule to work.
- Both leagues had people from different teams meeting to go over different builds. Putting some of the creative aspect back into SF.
- A draft system just will not work.
Taking from these points, I have a new suggestion.
I think that the ladder system should be reinstated. This must be a ladder very different from the previous one though.
Here are my thoughts (numbered for easier responses):
1. The ladder has a simple point system based off of wins/losses/ties then points scored and points scored against.
2. Teams are not scheduled into matches by a certain deadline, but to avoid the issue last time, where only two clans really played... teams would be required to play at least one match a month.
3. All rosters would be regulated by a very strict and specific set of rules. These rules would serve as a sort of "salary cap." Regulations would include limitations on how many "established clanners" one could have. How many people in total can be on roster. Possibly how many people specializing in each class on each roster.
Obviously these limitations and requirements would have to be very specific and then if questioned, would be interpreted by a league staff member dedicated to roster management.
4. The league should be run through the SF website, as an official league, under dev supervision and blessing. This would add an air of legitimacy to the league by making it official. Unlike Draken's league which lacked organization this would be easy to find. The SFML site was organized, but being a separate entity SF it made the process of checking two forums a labor for some. Also, the 80+ people who registered for both leagues, gave support on this forum. Even at SFML's peak, not all of those people were registered and active on the SFML forums.
5. Yes, I am aware the Dev team is busy working on 2.0. In the meantime though, this community needs to be maintained. People on the Dev team can keep working on what they are working on. Take on new people as League Developers. Put them in charge. Qualification for this process should be stringent in that league admins must remain totally neutral from bias, unlike the other ladder where league admins were part of teams. (I am not calling anyone out, but the situation just did not work.)
6. I know at one point Kaidus had a league idea including teams that chose players and drafted them, but I cannot speak on this, he can. A system like this could work, but I think more toward the restricted, capped, recruiting side. Maybe we hold a combine, a pug for the unknowns to play in and show off.
7. The rules regarding screen shots and demos and all that should be much less strict or non existent. The league needs to be seen as fun, not super serious and imtimidating by new players and new clans.
8. I see this as a long term solution not a few week long tournament or season. A long lasting ladder which provides for any team to join at any time, participate, and have fun.
9. (Just added in edit) Possibility of putting a certain requirement for time spent on a team. Once a player joins a team, they are required to remain on that team for a certain amount of time. During this period, they cannot quit and cannot be dropped by team leader. Although they could be traded if the trade does not make any roster violate the requirements.
After this time, a player could drop from a roster, switch teams, etc. This would ensure more stability within the league.
Now, there are obviously flaws in this idea and all that, but it is what I believe to be a step in the right direction. We have tried a scheduled league, we have tried to draft in new players, and a lack of dedication has killed them both. Yet, with the right situation, the level of dedication that a lot of people wish were there, can come out and make something successful.
- Idea is good
- There is a start of developer support
- Someone willing to volunteer and help code the ladder is needed for progress to continue
- A good ladder setup can be seen on The main details are in post 60, on page 6, if you don't feel like reading that. (Thanks Azlan)