SF193 Diary
Well since i get so many questions about it, I shall try to keep you up to date with this thread.
At the moment it is going quite well. We had a test tonight to see how things went, and they went rather smooth. Much smoother then i expected. What i have listed as has been fixed actually is fixed.
Yes, that number under my name is the total number of bugs and bugs fixed. That means you can see both increase, like tonight when we noticed 3 more bugs that weren't noticed before.
I am not going to handout a buglist for 2 reasons. The first is because some apply to sourceforts 1.9.2 and therefor give some an unfair advantage. Second is because every person who thinks to know something about it is going to start telling me how to fix them.
The leak that happened wasn't that bad. You guys get to see the game for a change and you can try and play it... well partially that is. It's from a build i uploaded on svn somewhere yesterday and it was far less done then today, mostly because i didn't update svn with it.
Feel free to play it.
I cannot and will not give a precise date and time when i'm done with the game, so don't bother asking as I'll ignore those questions.
Hope this gives a little bit more info to those wandering around with questions.