Yes, just to clear up 2.0.0 will contains Blacks fixed version of overload as sf_overload_classic, and the new version of overload, with different geometry as sf_overloaded.
Nobody has played a scrim match on sf_overloaded yet, so it will be interesting to see how it plays.
We're going to prefer classic, as on the new one you can't do that scroll rocket jump thing, which is what the decent cappers do to win matches on overload.
Except eX. because *cough we smashed through SR's wall and just waltzed in cough*
I like that the layout changes, even small things like the steps to the ammo crate placement, will considerably change the gameplay.
Will make gravnade spamming from the top (a common tactic) a little more difficult, and base rape/spawn camping a little more brutal on the defenders with those steps.
The geometry differences are pretty small as far as gameplay is concerned. The major ones are thus:
The raised platform that each base resides on now extends under the entire base, not just under the flag.
There are 5 bridges instead of 3, and they are narrower than before
The walls parralel to each base is slightly narrower - about a 2x3 block each side. This is to support the map in public games where noobs insist on building horrible walls that span the map instead of actually thinking
Four large blocks for use of cover (you can just about see them with pipes on top) which may also lead to some interesting trickjumping.
Area closer to the build wall is uneven to discourage building (again, aimed at pubs)
A couple more ammo crates can be found next to the spawns.
I used eDITS spawner prefab. It's fucking brillient.
fljo: this game sucsk and kukshna/khuskan thinks he to good since he a [dev[